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By Matt
Posts:  22524
Joined:  Mon Apr 21, 2008 11:28 pm
Thanks for the update Grey! It sounds like all of your plants are doing very well. I love this time of year!
Grey wrote:I will definately be purchasing any red-mix seed at FTS if it is available this year so look out Matt & Steve - I've got my eye on your store!
I plan on having at least a little red-mix seed in the store this year in addition to a few special crosses. Hopefully I won't disappoint your eye...whichever one you're keeping on the store ;)
By Grey
Posts:  3255
Joined:  Mon Jul 26, 2010 3:48 pm
You're welcome! I love this time of year, too; carnivorous plants have definately been a saving grace for me.

I'll be sure to check the store as often as possible! I signed up for the email update for the red seed mix but I'm not sure if I'll still get an update now the product is off the (international) store. Am also excited for the special mixes!
By victor
Posts:  2028
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very nice
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By stitz25b
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make some nice hybrids like cyclosecta x esseriana!
By victor
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By Grey
Posts:  3255
Joined:  Mon Jul 26, 2010 3:48 pm
Got a few updates for all of you.

29th May 2011
My first growing season has been very interesting so far! I've had at least five venus fly trap flower stalks (all of which have been cut) and my adult plants are now forming beautiful clumps of traps. They have also started catching their own food. The venus fly trap seedlings all look good; they are slowly increasing in size and look wonderful with their perfect, tiny traps.

My nepenthes have thrown out many pitchers but are still suffering with mites. I am treating them with appropriate insectisides and have my fingers crossed that they will recover. I look forward to being able to repot them and have them back with my other plants.

My drosera capensis alba has many tentacles but has yet to flower for me. I'm not complaining of course... I don't really want a thousand tiny capensis' infesting my other plant pots. All of its tentacles are glistening with dew and dead fruit flies.

My darlingtonia californica seedlings are starting to look less like grass and more like mini cobras now.

At least sixteen flower stalks, three hundred seed and six divisions later my pinguicula are thriving. I have had numerous flower stalks already but currently have three (estimated) pollinated flower stalks plumping up, six flower stalks growing and blooming and am expecting more as time goes on. My adult pinguicula weser (Beatrice) has divided and has turned a beautiful shade of pale pink; her divison from last year looks wonderful and has coloured up nicely while an accidental division has formed a clump of at least seven plantlets.

My pinguicula x tina has a single flower stalk right now; this is the first time it has flowered since I acquired it and I am very excited; it is the largest pinguicula I have and did not go into dormancy (apparently tina chooses when she wants to go to sleep, unlike other mexican species who can be induced) so I am relieved to see it is healthy. I am experimenting with cross pollination as I have so many flower stalks and am becoming adept at it. Hooray!

My pinguicula esseriana appear to have finished their flowering cycle whereas my pinguicula cyclosecta have been flowering profusely - each developing three stalks. Two of the stalks have been pollinated and I am awaiting more blooms to pollinate so I can acquire as much seed as possible. One of my newer pinguicula arrived with a flower stalk (can't remember the species off-hand) which I cross-pollinated with my cyclosecta so I look forward to seeing if it provides seed.

My pinguicula laueana has yet to flower, if and when it does I will get photographs as I am very excited to see its legendary bright red flowers. I am hoping and praying that it will flower at the same time as my pinguicula weser as I would adore a cross of the two plants. If such is the case and the pollination is successful I will start a journal to document the progress of seed to seedlings to adult plants. Pinguicula laueana and weser are two of my favourite mexican pinguicula species and I am very excited at the thought of having a beautiful cross - only time will tell.

I have a tiny, delicate pinguicula gracilis - which is reasonably rare in cultivation. I am keeping a close eye on it and am hoping it will flower. It is a very small plant naturally but I am unsure if it is large enough to flower yet; only time will tell. I hope it does.

I am very pleased to see all my pinguicula devouring the many fruit flies that congregate in my room (the food I give my snails attracts them); my room has its own microenvironment apparently, which is always nice. I will keep all of you updated as the numerous flower stalks progress and will update this topic again if anything interesting develops. I am also still eagerly awaiting new stock in the FlyTrapStore!

Thanks for reading!
By jht-union
Posts:  3205
Joined:  Tue Apr 13, 2010 11:43 pm
Thans for this very detailed explanation on how your plants are doing, i'm glad to hear that, and i hope to see some pics of them soon!

Good luck! :)
By victor
Posts:  2028
Joined:  Sun Dec 12, 2010 12:42 am
nice! I hope to see some pics,
By Grey
Posts:  3255
Joined:  Mon Jul 26, 2010 3:48 pm
Just to let you all know I updated my grow list. Will take photos of the new plants when they have settled in; some look a tad sorry for themselves though being stuck in a box for a week will do that. Also edited my growlist layout to make it look friendlier!
Dionaea M. “Wacky Traps” [05/07/2011]
(M) Pinguicula Debbertiana (white flower) [05/07/2011]
(M) Pinguicula Gigantea (purple flower) [05/07/2011]
(M) Pinguicula Moranensis [05/07/2011]
(M) Pinguicula Aphrodite [05/07/2011]
(M) Pinguicula spec. Lautner [05/07/2011]
(WT) Pinguicula Primuliflora [05/07/2011]
By Grey
Posts:  3255
Joined:  Mon Jul 26, 2010 3:48 pm
It has been a VERY long two months for me; with court related hoo-har, family troubles, medical downfalls and the like I've found my plants to be my one saving grace. I started a new propagator box up full of seeds (housing twelve individual pots with a variety of different seeds including two pinguicula mixes I hand-pollinated) and have learned a great deal about orchids. Looks like I have another species of plant to add to my list!

My P. Cyclosecta have started to go into dormancy; it's a little early but I'm not going to deny nature her thing. All my butterworts are looking good and I have an overflowing pot of P. Gracilis that will need repotting soon; I accidently removed three leaves from the mother plant when dividing her and after two weeks of abandoning them on the surface of the soil have had strikage. The divisions are the fastest growing pinguicula I have seen so far so I will be taking more pullings in the future.

My latest pinguicula is a P. Ibarrae; when it arrived it had two dead flower stalks and over the course of the three or so months I've had it I have had four stalks more. Two have provided me with seed - but I have never collected pollen from the flowers succesfully. The two remaining flowers are untouched and I will see if I get anything from them. Looking forward to sowing the seeds I collected from this plant and expanding my collection of them.

The first pinguicula species I acquired was a P. Weser; I named her Beatrice and have had fantastic growth with her - but no flowers this year sadly. Lessons have been learned but I went from having three or so plants to about sixteen of this particular species. All divisions have grown to such a degree that I am going to have to plant my P. Weser in their own tray. So far I've been keeping my pinguicula in mixed-species trays.

The P. Esseriana I own have also divided wonderfully; I will likely keep them in a unique tray alongside my P. Cyclosecta, they compliment eachother nicely and are both robust, vigorous plants. I highly recommend them as beginner plants.

I have a variety of young plants that I ordered from; I can safely say that despite their size I am very proud to have shopped with them. The plants arrived in superb condition and settled very quickly. The P. Moranensis I ordered from them has grown very dramatically and may be ready to flower this time next year; I also have a stunning P. Ehlersiae that is probably the most vibrant plant I own right now. Must get photographs! Another plant I'd like to add a note on is the P. Emarginata; it has offered me various flowers and was the mother plant of the first cross-breed I hand pollinated. Right now it should be calming down for dormancy but has been determined to put up the tiniest, most pathetic looking flower stalk I have ever seen! I'll probably snip this one just to be on the safe side.

My P. Tina has grown so much so that it will probably need its own pot. I'm hoping it will go into dormancy this year as it didn't appear to last year; this plant will only go into dormancy if it wants to... fingers crossed it'll want to.

I am a little disappointed in the P. Debbertiana (white flower) I ordered; it hasn't grown very much at all compared to the other plants I have and I'm unsure as to what the cause may be. I'll be repotting it and moving it around a little soon to see if that helps. I'll keep my fingers crossed (not literally... that would make it difficult to type) and hope it perks up next year.

I think that update is long enough right now :lol: I'll add more stuff regarding my other plants later. For now, enjoy! Oh, I also added a blog to my website and will be looking to do a growing experiment with pinguicula in coir.
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