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By charlie
Posts:  545
Joined:  Tue Aug 06, 2013 10:08 pm
Ok guys, sorry I didn't get the plants shipped yesterday (I got a trampoline and that took up the entire afternoon :D ). They are all packed up and I will ship today!
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By nimbulan
Posts:  2401
Joined:  Fri Feb 28, 2014 9:03 pm
I get the jump the gun since I was able to pick up my plants in person. They are bigger than I was expecting and look great! I may have broken the rear pitcher on the H. minor when I was potting though. :oops: Now to keep them covered for a few weeks to see how long it takes them to recover from their journey. I did discover that quart ziplock bags almost perfectly fit over round 4 inch pots.

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By Cory
Posts:  1149
Joined:  Sat Jul 27, 2013 5:42 pm
Glad to hear your bagging them off. Takes me about 2 months to get helix aclimated.

Neps are usually quicker.

Nice plants.
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By nimbulan
Posts:  2401
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These are my first helis so I did a lot of reading and should be prepared. I'm just hoping that I can get them acclimated to ambient humidity later on and that they don't heat up too much while bagged under the lights.
By KissMegan
Posts:  659
Joined:  Thu Feb 06, 2014 1:07 am
All potted up!

Het x ionasii






This one prob looks the worst, both the new pitchers were broken off :( hopefully it recovers okay

Spec. nov Akopan


Neblinae (new pitcher a little broken :( )
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By Cory
Posts:  1149
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Give the ones that are the worst extra humidity for awhile.

They will be fine. I have had several come in that way myself.

Chimentensis, Cilliata, and akopan have been relatively fast growers for me

Excellent choices.
By BrunoL
Posts:  242
Joined:  Fri Aug 09, 2013 4:23 pm
Soaking Nepenthes Macrophylla clone 5 in SuperThrive solution
Soaking Nepenthes Macrophylla clone 5 in SuperThrive solution
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Macrophylla Clone T
Macrophylla Clone T
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Clone T Potted up nicely
Clone T Potted up nicely
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Another pic of Clone T
Another pic of Clone T
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Clone 5 potted up
Clone 5 potted up
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Both Macrophyllas with Cephalotus, Nepenthes Lowii and Nepenthes Miranda in Ultra Highland chamber
Both Macrophyllas with Cephalotus, Nepenthes Lowii and Nepenthes Miranda in Ultra Highland chamber
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I'm so happy to finally have some Macros now! Thanks Charlie for making this possible!
@ KissMegan - Your Helis look really good! (especially Neblinae ;) ) Don't worry about your Glabra, it should recover just well!
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