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By Jedikinigit
Posts:  122
Joined:  Sun Dec 03, 2023 5:35 pm
We had a strong front come through today with 20-30 mph gusts which blew over some of my new pitchers. What do I do? Cut them off, or try to tape them upright?
PXL_20240412_001922774.jpg (1.9 MiB) Viewed 598 times
By Gary
Posts:  525
Joined:  Fri Jul 08, 2022 3:23 pm
I read a post on this forum a while back from a member who used a dried-up old pitcher section to support a plant that suffered a bent-over pitcher. Not sure if it worked, but I suppose a piece of paper towel core could substitute. The downside of using a sleeve support is that it's likely to be opaque, and it'll need to be there all season as broken Sarrs don't heal.
That's a shame, how tall is that pitcher?
Last edited by Gary on Fri Apr 12, 2024 4:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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By Jedikinigit
Posts:  122
Joined:  Sun Dec 03, 2023 5:35 pm
I like that idea! Thanks. S. alucard x oreophila 5. I think it's also called S. "sangria". 21"and not quite opened. A serious bummer, fortunately a couple other pitchers held out. Once they color up I'll get some more photos.
By cpgrower126
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I'm having the same problem right now. My first Flava pitcher of the year got knocked over into a flytrap water tray, and it began to rot.
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By Jedikinigit
Posts:  122
Joined:  Sun Dec 03, 2023 5:35 pm
Pretty rough to see these first traps get knocked down in my first year. I think I need more plants so I have percentages on my side and don't notice as much. :P
By Gary
Posts:  525
Joined:  Fri Jul 08, 2022 3:23 pm
A couple summers back I had a big gust come out of nowhere, only lasted about 10 sec, that blew all the sundews off the deck and flattened the Sarrs. I thought the Sarrs were goners but they straightened up right away. AZ weather is weird.
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