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By Kenneth
Posts:  134
Joined:  Fri Feb 02, 2018 3:46 am
I went to these nurseries sometime this month. I can tell you the two differ from each other greatly in price, size, and variety. Let me tell you.. Predatory Plants was extremely underwhelming and Cal Carn was 10x better with prices and variety! They recently added more nepenthes to their sales area and I was blown away by the prices and size!

In predatory plants their size and prices for the plants are way to expensive.. I was disappointed. Though I’m sure they are better to buy online instead of in person.

If you can visit California Carnivores today please do! It was such a pleasure and joy visiting and they had so much plants in all sizes for sale for a good price! I ended up spending $130+ and my moms friend ended up spending $300+! She got a bunch of big nepenthes for around $50 and a whole lot more!
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By Jeeper
Posts:  405
Joined:  Sun Jul 01, 2018 3:47 am
I've ordered from both, only thing I don't care for from CC is the weeds, I'm trying to figure out how to weed my Cephalotus without disturbing the roots...
By -twillyranger-
Posts:  105
Joined:  Sat Feb 03, 2018 2:47 pm
Jeeper wrote:I've ordered from both, only thing I don't care for from CC is the weeds, I'm trying to figure out how to weed my Cephalotus without disturbing the roots...

Yeah, I’ve had the same problem with CC
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