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By sans
Posts:  425
Joined:  Mon Jan 16, 2023 10:39 pm
Just got some water lettuce, curious to know if anyone here has grown some, and if you do, how do make it thrive? I live in FL and I heard it likes full sun, but also im worried this intense sun could do more harm then good.
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By optique
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It can take full sun but if its been shipped it will need to adjust. Water Lettuce needs constant food so they don't go well with CP's they will shrink and die off with out constant nutrient intake. They are great for fish tanks or ponds.

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By sans
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Ah ok. That picture looks like dwarf water lettuce honestly. And are those mollies in the bottom...? Or are those platies :lol:
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By optique
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yeah its dwarf and its platies
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By elaineo
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i have some growing in my sarracenia water trays, along with duckweed and tadpoles. My hope is that tadpoles will eat algae and mosquito larvae, and the floating plants will absorb excess nitrates, and everything will be balanced and happy.
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By sans
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Wow. Cool, and tadpoles consume massive amounts of mosquite larvae. If the tadpoles go for good, mosquito fish might be a good choice depending on the size of the tray :idea:
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By steve booth
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I grow it in my pond in summer over in the UK. It proliferates and grows and divides really quickly once the weather is warm. The pond has a lot of fish so it is useful as a nutrient remover and does a reasonable job, although it does cover the pond eventually and stop the sunlight.
It all dies over winter (I don't bother trying to keep it alive over winter) and start again in June in the UK.
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By sans
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It comes back in june? Or do you put new plants in it? My winter is less dangerous then my summer so i don't have to worry though :lol:
By 8spidersayear
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Water lettuce is very calcium hungry for me, to the point where aquariums where it has good light drop in tds and pH for me.

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