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By sans
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yeah looks like tadpoles
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By Andrew42x89
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Careful, lil fellas!
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By ChefDean
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Camden wrote: Sat Mar 25, 2023 10:45 pm I wonder if they taste similar to turtle? Hmm...
Depends on the part of the turtle. There are parts of a turtle that taste like pork, beef, chicken, reptile, fish, lamb, even shellfish.
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By elaineo
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ChefDean wrote: Breaded and deep fried!
Maaaan, that's your answer for everything.
"What's the best way to cook a Thanksgiving turkey?"
"What should I do about this mouse infestation?"
"Crap, there's a couple of Jehovah's Witnesses walking up the front steps!"
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By ChefDean
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elaineo wrote:Maaaan, that's your answer for everything.
Not everything, but a lot. That being said...
elaineo wrote:"What's the best way to cook a Thanksgiving turkey?"
Deboned, and stuffed with a deboned chicken, which is itself stuffed with a deboned duck. Cajun seasoned on the skin of each bird, and slow roasted for 16 hours.
elaineo wrote:"What should I do about this mouse infestation?"
A contraption with a bucket of soapy water, a ramp, toilet paper rolls, and peanut butter. Or learn taxidermy and turn them into a chess set.
elaineo wrote:"Crap, there's a couple of Jehovah's Witnesses walking up the front steps!"
Answer the door with "Hello". When they ask if I've found God, I get a scared look on my face, turn around and yell back into the house, "God, they're here! Run!"
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By Intheswamp
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Panman wrote: Sat Mar 25, 2023 11:24 pm You don't deep fry mice! The need to be stewed slowly with onions and tomatoes.
Wrong answer. Put'em on a skewer with some peppers, onions, etc., and some robin breasts and maybe a few tadpoles if you got'em...kinda tastes like turtle.

(forgot to add...throw'em on the grill)
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By elaineo
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ChefDean wrote: Or learn taxidermy and turn them into a chess set.
That sounds super cool and also incredibly gross. And holy crap I just realized this is an actual thing that people pay money to have. WHY
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By andynorth
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elaineo wrote: Sat Mar 25, 2023 6:38 am What are these things in my water tray???
So here's my question. How did they get there? I remember as a kid in Tucson catching and raising them through the transformation and I always wondered how the heck they got there.
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By andynorth
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Camden wrote: Sat Mar 25, 2023 10:45 pm I wonder if they taste similar to turtle? Hmm...
Nope, they taste like frog legs. Just like turtle taste like turtle and snake taste like snake. When I lived in Tucson we would hunt frogs in the desert after the rain from the monsoons passed. Bow and arrow and a flashlight. We had the time of our lives!!
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