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By Sundews69
Posts:  2388
Joined:  Fri Dec 03, 2021 5:57 pm
Updated 1/20/23

Just a beginner, so I don't have much - I don't think this applies anymore but it's staying
I am also willing to trade (although, don't know what you would want from my beautifully growing (fixed that for ya) collection lol

S. alabamensis spp. alabamensis - Panman (SW)
S. 'Berry pastry' x catesbaei - Hollyhock (S)
S. flava OP - FTC seed bank (SW)
S. leucophylla var. alba seedling #8 x self #1 - Diflora (S)
S. (minor x psittacina) x flava LW5 - Panman (S)
S. oreophila 'sand mountain' - Nancy Martens (LF)
S. oreophila 'tall and vigorous' - Michael Sprouse (M)
S. purpurea spp. purpurea - collected from a local bog (with permits) (LF)
S. rubra - Shadowtski (S)

D. admirabilis 'floating' - Predatory Plants (M)
D. binata 'small red form' - FTC seed bank (LF)
D. burmannii "Humpty Doo" (SM)
D. capensis 'typical' We Bite Plant Nursery's (MF)
D. capensis seed grown - twice removed from Triffid Rose Evenwind (L)
D. coccicaulis/venusta 'alba' Predatory Plants (LF)
D. capillaris 'long arm' FTC Seed Bank (S)
D. groamogolensis NightRaider (S)
D. intermedia (Roraima, Brazil) NightRaider (S)
D. madagascariensis Predatory Plants (L)
D. prolifera Bluefire (M)
D. riparia NightRaider(S)
D. spatulata (Beenak, Vic, Aus) NightRaider (M-L,F)
D. spatulata (Buried Forest, NZ) FTC Seed Bank (S)
D. spatulata We Bite Plant Nursery's (LF)
D. spatulata (Royal nat'l Park) Evenwind (LF)
D. spatulata 'tamlin' NightRaider (LF)
D. x 'watari' NightRaider (LF)
D. unknown - either spat or capillaris Evenwind (LF)
mixed capes (M)
mixed rosettes (LF)

P. ehlersiae 'victoria' Curious Plant (L)
P. agnata red leaf Watter's Farms (S)
P. gigantea Watter's Farms (S)
P. moranensis x ehlersiae Watter's Farms (M)
P. purple noID Watter's Farms (S)

U. sandersonii John's Carnivorous Plants (LF)

N. lowii x ventricosa - red We Bite Plant Nursery's (M)
N. x ventrata Stein's Garden Center - (M)
N. x hookeriana Stein's Garden Center - (S-M)
N. veitchii K x (Candy x Candy Stripe) SG Mike Fallen Cross Exotics (S)

H. heterodoxa x ionasi (AW clone) Nancy Martens (M-L)
H. heterodoxa x minor (most likely AW clone) Nancy Martens (L)
H. minor 'velvet' (AW clone) Nancy Martens (M)
H. parva x pulchella (churi) (AW clone ISC) Nancy Martens (M)

Dionaea m. "BCP Z02"
Dionaea m. "Big Dracula" Diflora (M)
Dionaea m. "Coquillage" Diflora (L)
Dionaea m. "Diflora Wizard" Carnies (M)
Dionaea m. "FTS Maroon Monster"
Dionaea m. "FTS Purple Ambush"
Dionaea m. "FTS Towering Giant"
Dionaea m. "Periscope" Carnies (S)
Dionaea m. "Phalanx" Dilfora (M)
Dionaea m. "Shup (Schuppenstiel) Destruction" Diflora (M)
Dionaea m. "Trev's Red Dentata" Diflora (S-M)
Dionaea m. "Wine Mouth" Diflora (M)
Dionaea m. "Lowe's rescue, red dragon look-alike" (M)
Dionaea m. "Lowe's rescue, dentate look-alike" (M)
Dionaea M. Open-Pollinated FTC seed bank (S)

C. F. 'hampshire dark' Nancy Martens (M)

Aroids + ant plants
Alocasia x Amazonica "Bambino"
Alocasia Reginula "Black Velvet"
Alocasia Baginda "Silver Dragon"
Alocasia Maharani "Grey Dragon"
Alocasia micholitziana 'Frydek'
Amorphophallus konjac
Anthurium pterodactyl
Anthurium veitchii
Myrmecodia beccarii
Philodendron verrucosum

Dionaea m. 'typical'
Dionaea m. 'dente-typical look-alike'
U. calycifida?
D. binata
S. 'reptilian rose' :cry: :cry:
P. primiliflora pup
Dionaea M. 'akai-ryu/red dragon'- While I was away, the person watered my indoor but forgot my ourdoor plants :(
Darlingtonia Californica - While I was away, the person watered my indoor but forgot my outdoor plants :(
D. groamogolensis
P. gracilis - a light fell and it burnt to a crisp. Had 8 divisions :(
D. burmannii 'humpty doo' -
D. x hybrida (Butterfly Valley) - eaten by a mouse

Cool sarrs, VFT cultivars, and Nepenthes. Might be interested in certain unique Drosera but not too many.

Abbreviation Guide
L= large, adult plant, flowering size, or close to it
M= medium, juvenile plant
S= small, seedling, germinated seed
W= waiting for seed to germinate, Gemmae to start growing, cuttings to strike
R= in refrigerator stratifying
F=flowering or has flowered
(I'm just using @Shadowtski's guide)
Last edited by Sundews69 on Sun Apr 16, 2023 5:36 pm, edited 51 times in total.
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By Cosmickitty
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“Just a beginner” lists a dozen plants xD welcome to the forum!
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By TrapsAndDews
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Sundews69 wrote: Wed Dec 15, 2021 11:31 pm Just a beginner, so I don't have much
I am also willing to trade (although, don't know what you would want from my garbage collection lol)
Nice list. If you think you don't have much, look at my grow list. :)

I've always wanted an admirabilis. However, I am currently unable to trade or buy plants. I may in the future.
By Sundews69
Posts:  2388
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Thanks @TrapsAndDews! I would be more than happy to trade some admirabilis in the future with you. Just take note that the normal admirabilis looks slightly different than admirabilis 'floating'. I do own the admirabilis 'floating', but it's not in my possession currently.
Here is the one I have (admirabilis 'floating')
a22a35e7cda25cd6091f2d2e589ff398_800x.jpg (34.88 KiB) Viewed 7220 times
Here is the other one I don't have
unnamed.jpg (182.88 KiB) Viewed 7220 times
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By TrapsAndDews
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I still think it's nice. When I say future, I mean in like a year :? (I only have seedlings and I don't have a wide variety of plants as of now).
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By Cross
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Lol what cosmic said lol.

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By Sundews69
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@TrapsAndDews. Good to know you still like it. Man, a year is a long time. It kinda nice tho because when I get my plant back, it will have time to let it adjust and let me do cuttings on it. Who knows, maybe I can send you a cutting in a few months when I have possession of the plant again :D
By Sundews69
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Wait....Who changed what I wrote on my grow list lol :lol:
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By Cross
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Sundews69 wrote:Wait....Who changed what I wrote on my grow list lol Image
ImageImageImageImage that was the best. He fixed it for you. I love it so much ImageImage

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By Sundews69
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updated 2/19/22
By Sundews69
Posts:  2388
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I think I may have unfortunately lost my D. binata, Dionaea M. 'dente', Dionaea M. 'typical', and a random Sarr that came with them due to an unexpected -20 degrees we had a couple weeks back. They were in my unheated garage, but that was still to much cold :cry: :cry: :cry:

Does anyone have any suggestion on what I can do?

(I may still have some hope, but they've been in my room while I try and see if they're dormant or dead. If they're dormant, they sure haven't come out of it, so I'm quite certain they are dead)
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By thepitchergrower
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Check the binata for any roots that may still be alive. Unlikely, but possible. Check the sarr rhizome as well.
By Sundews69
Posts:  2388
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Are these VFT roots salvageable for root cutting? I'll look at the binata roots later.
VFT #1
VFT #1
20220311_123123.jpg (4.71 MiB) Viewed 6608 times
VFT #2
VFT #2
20220311_123111.jpg (3.79 MiB) Viewed 6608 times

Received. Thanks!

They arrived! thank you! :D

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