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By somerandomband
Posts:  134
Joined:  Sun Oct 22, 2017 3:00 pm
So my little pink succulent I thought was dead for a long time. My evil cat tore it out of its pot and bit all the leaves off but three. I cried and repotted it with other succulents because the roots were okay... you can even see the bite marks where she chewed it ;_; to my surprise after a few months it had new growth!!! I was so relieved to see that she hadnt killed it! You can see it's new leaves on top. I'm just proud that I saved it. Does anyone know what kind it is?
20171127_172024.jpg (591.94 KiB) Viewed 2239 times
By Sakaaaaa
Posts:  1021
Joined:  Thu May 12, 2016 2:18 pm
Good save! It maybe looks like an echeveria of some sort? I'm not good at identifying "typical" succulents.
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By somerandomband
Posts:  134
Joined:  Sun Oct 22, 2017 3:00 pm
Happily growing new leaves
Happily growing new leaves
20171210_122401.jpg (539.2 KiB) Viewed 2184 times
Just an updated picture, it's doing well!

I'd def keep it. Sometimes plants (in general, not[…]

A 15-hour photoperiod is good, yes.

I too am wondering when to start the transition. I[…]

Watering my Venus Flytrap

OP lives in Poland.

Just let it be. Don't overthink it man. Worst that[…]

Get a magnifying glass 🔍

Kinda looks like old Jalapeños or bell pepp[…]

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