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By madrone
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I always enjoy everyone's pictures of their sarrs emerging from dormancy, pushing flowers, developing impressive pitchers. That kind of growth comes much later to my neck of the woods, so I'll enjoy these little harbingers of spring - P. grandiflora.

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Can you spot them all in this planter?
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By DragonsEye
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Panman wrote: Sat Apr 29, 2023 2:46 pm What are your dinners like? Is like to grow that ping but I think my summers are too hot and the winters not cold enough.
I didn't know a person's "dinners" would have an impact on the pings one could grow. :lol:

Madrone, what is the function of the white plastic tubing at the 6 o'clock position?
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By madrone
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Panman wrote:What are your dinners like? Is like to grow that ping but I think my summers are too hot and the winters not cold enough.
:D I think a typo snuck in there. I'm in zone ~8a/b - so dry-ish Mediterranean summers and long WET winters with a few truly cold spells sometime between Nov and Feb.
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By madrone
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DragonsEye wrote:Madrone, what is the function of the white plastic tubing at the 6 o'clock position?
This was my first ever bog pot and, at the time, I found a bunch of tutorials on bog pots that had a tube down the side that you could water into (rather than top watering, I guess?) So, I dutifully followed the instructions, but haven't really used it to water since the first month or two (~8+ years ago).

Now it's a tube with a REALLY annoying tuft of grass that has been growing in there forever, and whenever it gets to the top I try and pull the whole weedy mess out. And the grass gets a little mowed by my efforts and then merrily grows again.

This little description is making me realize I really need to re-plant this pot, refresh soil, get rid of that tube...maybe next year.
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By Panman
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madrone wrote: I think a typo snuck in there.
Summers! Dang autocorrect. I will have to add one of those to my bogs. I'm in 7b so I guess it would do alright.
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By MikeB
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Panman wrote: Sat Apr 29, 2023 2:46 pm Is like to grow that ping but I think my summers are too hot and the winters not cold enough.
You can grow P. caerulea and probably lutea. Lee's Botanical Gardens (on Facebook) sells them cheap.
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By madrone
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HI Jeff - I have to imagine the humidity doesn't stink because the pot is full with water up to 1-2" from the top. So that's a fairly large moist surface area. Our humidity plummets in the summer, but locally (due to the high water table), I think it would be acceptable. In the winter the humidity is 150% because it rains 150% of the time. :lol:
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By madrone
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I think there was already a 'first bloom of 2023 thread', but I can't find it. So posting here - warm temps just emerged instantaneously this spring (very unlike our typical conditions). And there is a three way tie for first bloomer. S. 'Serengeti Sunset', S. flava cuprea, and S. 'Ares (not pictured).

Also realizing there are no pings in this picture, so I really do need to find the Sarr thread for more seasonal updates. :oops:
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