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By RoutineDisco
Posts:  13
Joined:  Fri Mar 08, 2024 3:06 am
Hi all, I recently bought a sarracenia (minor?) and maybe half a week ago I gave it a single fish pellet since I don’t have live insects and am living in a dorm room at the moment. I keep it in a bath of distilled water, run humidifier, and grow under a grow light. The pellet looks completely undigested and the stalk looks dry, is that normal? (The brown speck towards the base of the pitcher in the second photo is the pellet.)

Furthermore, a lot of the pitchers are getting a bit crispy…not sure if it’s due to a light adjustment (it wasn’t under sun in the shop) but anyone have tips?
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By optique
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I don't feed my outside plants but i have experimented with it. I have seen massive growth from betta pellets made into paste. From your photo i would be more concerned with light. It take real heavy duty lights to replicate the sun and with such tall plants its even more of a challenge.

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By RoutineDisco
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Thanks for the reply! The lights are currently off, I just have a desk lamp going for study reasons but usually it’s close to a full grow lamp. My pinguicula is right next to it and growing well if that means anything.

In terms of the betta pellet paste…does it need to be inserted all the way to the bottom of the pitcher? I tried to soften the pellets in water but they kept getting stuck at the lid because they were soft. Should I try feeding again with a paste? Or just wait and see what happens with the pellet already in there?
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By MikeB
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The pitcher should be dry. The hood is there to keep the rain out.

Try some Grow More Sea Grow fertilizer (same thing as MaxSea, only less expensive) diluted to 1/4 strength. Half-fill 2 or 3 pitchers every month. The plant doesn't want water in the pitchers, so it absorbs it, and the fertilizer goes along for the ride.
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By optique
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the way i make paste is i crush it and add water and apply with a pipette.
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By ChefDean
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RoutineDisco wrote: Fri Mar 08, 2024 3:48 am My pinguicula is right next to it and growing well if that means anything.
Pings and Sarrs have different requirements. My Pings do fine on a sunny windowsill. They don't reach their full potential, but they get enough to do fine. A Sarr needs more, much more.
Primarily, a Sarr needs much more, direct light. In a dorm environment, it will likely slowly die as it is extremely difficult to artificially give it enough light due to the size they typically achieve. Your best bet is, in my opinion, take it home for summer break, find a spot outside for it, find someone who will care for it (water, maintenance, dormancy, etc.), and leave it there.
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By RoutineDisco
Posts:  13
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I’m moving into an apartment soon which should receive good light and has a balcony I can put it out in, would that work?
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By Intheswamp
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As long as the balcony isn't shaded.

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