FlytrapCare Carnivorous Plant Forums

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Moderator: Matt

By Oblivion
Posts:  1251
Joined:  Sun Feb 07, 2010 1:32 pm
thanks, the threads pretty old but was originally hoping it would show others various stages of stalk growth/flowering.

the recent heat knocked em' around a fair bit though.

Since they have shallow roots, I just use a plas[…]

Dizzle's Grow List

Added: D. muscipula Kim Jong-il D. muscipula Ki[…]


Welcome! Just in case you didn't see 'em: https://[…]

Smartest or bravest spider?

Looks similar to the Texas brown. Possibly a femal[…]

My biggest Sarracenia

Don't you just love how there's always at least on[…]

Red meat viability claims

I agree and disagree with you. The politicians […]

SASE received. Order is fulfilled. Return envelope[…]

SASE received. Order is fulfilled. Return envelope[…]

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