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Ask questions about how to grow and care for Venus Flytraps

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By wcrosman
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Wutihbe wrote: Sat Apr 06, 2024 5:24 pm update apparently i found the perfect spot for the vft
issue being now most of the plant is dying including the rhizome and ants are crawling everywhere

send help
I would say you’ve NOT found the perfect place then. Try again. :|
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By Intheswamp
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Have ants started nesting in the pot? I hate ants. I hate ants. I just wanted to make sure you understood that...I hate ants.

Having said that, if they have set up a kingdom in your pot then remove the saucer and flood the pot. Do this morning and evening for 2-3 days. I know that the flytrap won't like it, but it sounds like it's doomed if you don't do something. The ants will get the message that the pot isn't a nice place to race their princes and princesses and will move somewhere else. Or, you could snatch the flytrap out of the grow mix, take a magnifying glass and incinerate each screaming ant. Or just dump the mix out on a piece of cardboard and spread it out...the ants will leave. Next take a piece of cardboard, a small square of foam (exercise mat stuff), even a small square piece of plywood and spray it down with ant poison...the "Home Defense" stuff that Walmart sells works pretty good. Then, once you have the plant repotted and ant-free set it on top of the "treated" square of whatever. You'll need to retreat every-so-often. If they're not in the pot and just raiding everything in sight then you might have to move to Greenland to get rid of them. :?
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By andynorth
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Intheswamp wrote: Sat Apr 06, 2024 10:31 pm I hate ants. I hate ants. I just wanted to make sure you understood that...I hate ants.
Most people do. However, without them our ecosystem would collapse. Myself, I am fascinated by them and their abilities.
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By Intheswamp
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andynorth wrote: Sun Apr 07, 2024 5:49 pm
Intheswamp wrote: Sat Apr 06, 2024 10:31 pm I hate ants. I hate ants. I just wanted to make sure you understood that...I hate ants.
Most people do. However, without them our ecosystem would collapse. Myself, I am fascinated by them and their abilities.
Did I mention that...I HATE ANTS. :mrgreen:

Do you have fire ants up your way? Argentine ants? The fire ants used to be bad but now the Argentines are running them out. :? I'm cool with our regular, friendly, "see ya at the cafe" kind of ants. But, these others are bent on taking over the world. :evil:
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By andynorth
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We have our share of some nasty ones. Not sure if they are as bad as yours though. Like I said, my fascination lies in their abilities. When I lived in AZ as a kid I did on occasion run in to the nasty ones. Nothing cooler than ripping one leg off another hated insect, the locust and watching how ants just devour the thing and march in a single file line back to their home. :D :D :D

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