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By Wutihbe
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in my last post i showed my vft growing in a weird way to say the least, and i noticed leaves kinda dying at alarming rate with new growths wilting too, so i decided to repot them. hopefully i didnt mess up
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By ChefDean
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To answer your question, it looks to be planted too deep. Where the rhizome goes from white to green should be at the level of the media surface.
However, why were the leaves dying? Where was the plant? Did the conditions recently change? How long was it in that homemade aluminum tray? You need to try to find the reason for its decline.
Beating a dead horse, but to reiterate; it should be outside in at least six hours of sun. Morning sun and afternoon shade would probably be better/less stressful on the plant where you're at. Distilled or rain water. Plastic or other non-reactive pot and tray. Those are the very basics for its care.
You have said previously that you keep making the same mistakes despite many people replying to your posts, giving dozens of suggestions trying to help. Maybe start taking those suggestions.
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By Wutihbe
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to answer some of your questions,
the leaves might be dying due to a lack of light. as of now i am finding for a suitable place to give my vft 6hrs of sunlight everyday, but while finding for that suitable spot i can only provide it light from some grow lights my father got (i have no information on the lights, but its on overnight and it seemed to do the job), but rest assured i am reading and taking suggestions.
and to address the tray that i use, i changed from aluminum to plastic a year ago. the pot that i currently use is temporary and will change eventually.
By tynsaras
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Leaves may die due to lack of light. Currently, I'm looking for a suitable place to give my vft 6 hours of sunlight per day, but while I find that suitable location, I can only provide it with light from some grow lights grow that my dad has (I don't have info on the lights, but had it overnight and it seems to have worked), but rest assured I'm reading and taking suggestions.
and to deal with the tray I use, I switched from aluminum to plastic a year ago. the pot I'm currently using is temporary and will eventually change.
I also use plastic, it's only a little more effective than aluminum, but it's fragile, and I feel like it won't last long.
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By Intheswamp
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tynsaras wrote: Fri Apr 05, 2024 1:18 am
Leaves may die due to lack of light. Currently, I'm looking for a suitable place to give my vft 6 hours of sunlight per day, but while I find that suitable location, I can only provide it with light from some grow lights grow that my dad has (I don't have info on the lights, but had it overnight and it seems to have worked), but rest assured I'm reading and taking suggestions.
and to deal with the tray I use, I switched from aluminum to plastic a year ago. the pot I'm currently using is temporary and will eventually change.
I also use plastic, it's only a little more effective than aluminum, but it's fragile, and I feel like it won't last long.
Youq use alumineum a lot of tiems? Goooddddddd yes? Thankytou
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By Panman
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Intheswamp is our local Turing test. When we get a single post from a new account that is off, he sees if it is a bot. With AI generating these responses these days, it is tough to tell. I believe the one above is a bot.
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By andynorth
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Panman wrote: Fri Apr 05, 2024 12:40 pm Intheswamp is our local Turing test. When we get a single post from a new account that is off, he sees if it is a bot. With AI generating these responses these days, it is tough to tell. I believe the one above is a bot.
I always thought he was just messing with us. Good catch.
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By Panman
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Sorry to hijack this thread with Mr. Turing Test. As far as your repotting job, I have several questions. First, you did mention the light issue. It looks like that plant was rather light starved when you repotted it. That means it was already stressed and was likely stressed more from repotting. They are resilient and should recover from tht. More concerning to me is the composition of the soil. What do you have in there? Finally, it does look to be planted a little low in the soil. It is hard to tell because I don't see any new growth coming up. New leaves should be produced just below the soil surface.
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By Wutihbe
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Panman wrote: Fri Apr 05, 2024 4:12 pm Sorry to hijack this thread with Mr. Turing Test. As far as your repotting job, I have several questions. First, you did mention the light issue. It looks like that plant was rather light starved when you repotted it. That means it was already stressed and was likely stressed more from repotting. They are resilient and should recover from tht. More concerning to me is the composition of the soil. What do you have in there? Finally, it does look to be planted a little low in the soil. It is hard to tell because I don't see any new growth coming up. New leaves should be produced just below the soil surface.
the soil is a mix of silica sand and peat moss, i believe in a 1:1 ratio, with like a tiny amount of sphagnum moss (i ran out)
also i resolved the plant being a little low in the soil, i moved the plant a little bit upwards
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By Wutihbe
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update apparently i found the perfect spot for the vft
issue being now most of the plant is dying including the rhizome and ants are crawling everywhere

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