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By Hedonista
Posts:  211
Joined:  Fri Jan 05, 2024 2:21 pm
As a first time sarrs mom, I see my babies doing something and have no idea what I’m looking at. All of the sarrs I got from ChefDean a little over a week ago are putting up flat blades (phyllodia?). I’m not worried about it, since they just had a 1,000+ mile journey NNW. What I’m wondering is, are these actually phyllodia, or is this how pitchers start out, and then they open? These are the only things I’ve seen grow on my sarrs, so I have no comparison point.
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By ChefDean
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The one big one looks like it could be phyllodia, but it's probably a pitcher reacting to the stress of shipping. The others look like lil pitchers.
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By Hedonista
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Joined:  Fri Jan 05, 2024 2:21 pm
Oh cool! I didn’t know if pitchers came out “open,” or if they started flat and opened later. They all have little “hooks” at the top, like pitcher mouths. Most of them are a lot taller than their older pitcher friends from TN, which was another thing that made me curious about them.
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By ChefDean
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You got shipped plants that were exiting dormancy. The small pitchers are last years, the new ones will be bigger. That little hook on top will be the lid once the pitcher matures and opens.
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By Hedonista
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Joined:  Fri Jan 05, 2024 2:21 pm
Neat, thanks for the info!
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By Jedikinigit
Posts:  122
Joined:  Sun Dec 03, 2023 5:35 pm
Those are all pitchers. Mine are doing the same right now. The little flat pitcher at the end is the give away, they even kind of look like hungry little mouths. Phyllodia just look like flat leaves with rounded ends. Pictures below of some wild ones I just saw. Some also still have phyllodia at the base.
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