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By Jade
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Awesome thank you! And I had read no Miracle Grow and to stay away from Perfect Plants here actually. I’m not sure what Amazon is doing because I did browse there for already mixed and decided against, but that Perfect Plants is everywhere and even recommended by Amazon. Maybe they use bots to buff their reviews or something. But I didn’t know about those other brands so that is definitely good info.

I can store that much. I have a barn and garage with space, but I’m wondering if I’ll need it? I know over time I will certainly be using it, but does it get um stale I guess would be the word for it? I imagine the perlite might not, but it seems like the peat moss would? I have zero experience with this so maybe I’m super wrong on that.

And yeah I have a Home Depot, I think Lowe’s is still there, we did have a Tractor Supply not sure if it’s still around and a Harbor Freight really close to me so at least there are more options to check out. Seems like Home Depot is going to be the best bet I see it mentioned often here.
By Jade
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Panman wrote: Sat Feb 10, 2024 5:40 pm When you are in the market for a capensis, hit me up. If I have divided them and repotted by then I'll have several different types available.
That would be great! Thank you. I’ll probably be getting my plants in March if I can stop myself from getting a couple pings I was eyeballing this month because I figure we’ll be close to if not getting better sunlight around then. I’m definitely starting with already begun to grow plants because I’m doubtful I can start from seeds yet.
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By evenwind
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Jade wrote: Sat Feb 10, 2024 3:49 pm I am someone who is always looking at plants kind of like pets so it’s possible I put too much into the daisies she gave me when they perhaps would have been better with slightly less attention and interaction, but I think that level of obsessiveness might be better served with carnivorous plants generally.
I know this problem and have a very self-serving solution. When I first started growing plants, I bought two (they were orchids but that doesn't matter). I immediately started to do research. Every week or so, I'd find a different opinion as to how to give them the "perfect" growing conditions. Naturally, I couldn't resist altering what I had to what it "should" be. The result was that I was annoying my poor plants to death. Luckily, I realized it. I thought it through and and finally understood that I had a limited amount of time to devote to the plants. If I took all that time and spent it on two plants, they were going to be overwhelmed. There was a simple answer: Buy more plants! Buy enough plants that you simply don't have enough time to micromanage any one of them! Like I said, self-serving. But it actually works. I'm constantly finding happy, healthy plants at the back of the shelves that I'd almost forgotten about. FWIW
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By Jade
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Haha I love that solution. As I get more comfortable with them and have stuff already here to repot and use proper soil and lighting etc, my plant collection will very likely grow. I say I’m eyeballing a few pings, but they’re just my top favorites that aren’t sold out. I’d buy almost all of them if I had the money and had all those things I mentioned including clearing space that I can block off from the cats. I say cats, but I’m really only worried about one of them. My sweet and snarky little Mahjin eats literally anything.

Also I may have named my VFT when I got it. That’s totally not weird at all, I’m super normal…honest :?
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By evenwind
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Jade wrote: Sat Feb 10, 2024 6:27 pm Also I may have named my VFT when I got it. That’s totally not weird at all, I’m super normal…honest :?
Not weird at all, assuming you skipped "Audrey" and gave it a more typical "plant-y" name like "Flora" or "Airmid" or "Xochipilli" or "Blodeuwedd". You did, right?
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By eliii1i1
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evenwind wrote:
Jade wrote: Sat Feb 10, 2024 3:49 pm I am someone who is always looking at plants kind of like pets so it’s possible I put too much into the daisies she gave me when they perhaps would have been better with slightly less attention and interaction, but I think that level of obsessiveness might be better served with carnivorous plants generally.
Buy more plants! Buy enough plants that you simply don't have enough time to micromanage any one of them! Like I said, self-serving. But it actually works. I'm constantly finding happy, healthy plants at the back of the shelves that I'd almost forgotten about. FWIW

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By eliii1i1
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eliii1i1 wrote:
evenwind wrote:
Jade wrote: Sat Feb 10, 2024 3:49 pm I am someone who is always looking at plants kind of like pets so it’s possible I put too much into the daisies she gave me when they perhaps would have been better with slightly less attention and interaction, but I think that level of obsessiveness might be better served with carnivorous plants generally.
Buy more plants! Buy enough plants that you simply don't have enough time to micromanage any one of them! Like I said, self-serving. But it actually works. I'm constantly finding happy, healthy plants at the back of the shelves that I'd almost forgotten about. FWIW

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whoops i misclicked and sent before i finished typing. but this is exactly what i ended up doing!! i now have a house full of a whole buncha different plants and i constantly have something to attend to, no matter the season

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By Jade
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evenwind wrote: Sat Feb 10, 2024 6:53 pm
Jade wrote: Sat Feb 10, 2024 6:27 pm Also I may have named my VFT when I got it. That’s totally not weird at all, I’m super normal…honest :?
Not weird at all, assuming you skipped "Audrey" and gave it a more typical "plant-y" name like "Flora" or "Airmid" or "Xochipilli" or "Blodeuwedd". You did, right?
Uh well Cenobite actually. For those who don’t like horror movies (which is almost exclusively what I watch), they’re creatures from Hellraiser. There’s one kind of beautiful but deadly androgynous one I had in mind and it ended with bite which kinda fits the eating things bit. Not sure if that really falls under planty or not.

Eliii - sounds great to me
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By evenwind
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Jade wrote: Sat Feb 10, 2024 8:03 pm Uh well Cenobite actually. For those who don’t like horror movies (which is almost exclusively what I watch), they’re creatures from Hellraiser. There’s one kind of beautiful but deadly androgynous one I had in mind and it ended with bite which kinda fits the eating things bit. Not sure if that really falls under planty or not.
"Cenobite", huh? I like it! Sounds a bit computer-y, too.
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By Jade
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Oh yeah it kind of does now that you mention it. Luckily I don’t feel the same urge to name my electronics

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