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By Hedonista
Posts:  211
Joined:  Fri Jan 05, 2024 2:21 pm
Hey y’all, I’m brand new to carnivorous plants. I’ve almost purchased those big box store flytraps a few times, but they always look so sad. Anyway, I like a challenge, so I thought I would start by trying to grow something from the seed bank. I currently grow mostly succulents, Meyer lemons and cacti indoors, and I had my first actual garden last year, all grown from seed. The lemons and cacti are from seed as well.

I know carnivorous plants need completely different conditions than anything else I grow, so that is going to be a very big learning curve, but I’m excited to give it a try. I’m so glad I found this forum to help me out!

I live up north somewhat near Fargo, where it regularly gets below -30F, and the snow stays several feet deep all winter (except this year; thank you El Niño!). The summers here are short and hot, with long days. Average humidity in the summer, dry as a bone in the winter. So my plants will probably have to be indoors most of the time.

Can’t wait to get to know y’all and your plants!
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By andynorth
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Welcome. Feel free to ask questions and browse around the forum. Plenty of nice, knowledgeable folks here that are ready to help out in any way they can. I joined in April of 2023 and I am very happy I did. There were times I was ready to "throw in the towel" but that did not happen because of the knowledge everyone is willing to share. If you like Sarracenia's, I would highly recommend jumping on the Flytrap Store's Winter/Spring Sarrs sale. For $30.00 you will receive 3 really nice Sarrs that are both large and hardy. Hurry though, once the sale is over you will not be able to get them again until next year. For pics of some that I purchased you can take a look at my grow list, linked at the bottom of this page.
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By evenwind
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Welcome! For indoor growing, I'd go with (most) drosera and Mexican pinguiculas. While Ping seeds have a short shelf life and are hard to come by, the seedbank is full of drosera (AKA "Sundews") seeds. Try any Capensis, Capillaris, Spatulata or "mixed drosera" to get your feet wet.
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By Hedonista
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Thanks! I thought I would start with mixed drosera from the seed bank so I can try a few different ones to see what I like.
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By evenwind
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Mixed drosera is a good choice but you can get it as a free bonus. Check here january-bonus-t58989.html . You can request any Tier 0 and get the mixed drosera as an extra.
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By Hedonista
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Oh, I didn’t realize I could get a bonus. I sent a request for the mixed earlier today. Do you think I could change it?
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By evenwind
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Sure. Just edit your post. If you are locked out, send ChefDean a PM and he'll fix you up.
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By Hedonista
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Awesome, thanks! What would you recommend I get as my request, then?
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By evenwind
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Personally, I think any of the Capillaris or Spatulata labeled with "Pop" (Population) deserve to see more growers. But really, anything that's not labeled "Temperate" will do you.
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By Hedonista
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Good to know. That narrows the list of what ones to look into quite a bit.
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By evenwind
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Not to toot my own horn, but if you're trying to investigate the "Pop" ones, the only place there's any info is on this Forum. Try here post437685.html#p437685 . The others should be available by Googling or here:
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By Hedonista
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I actually just realized nothing was coming up on google and came back here to search the forum. Thank you for the links!
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By Hedonista
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Thanks! I’m already learning a lot, and I just got here!
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