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By lcal101
Posts:  6
Joined:  Tue Oct 03, 2023 3:44 am
Hi! I have a terrarium set up with drosera hamiltonii, drosera capensis, butterwort, and a cephalotus follicularis (this is on a raised mound on the other side of the terrarium with the hopes of it having less water than the others/even more root space). I have a drainage layer of lava rocks, layers of dried spaghnum moss to separate that from the soil, and then a ceph soil mix (about 3 inches). Then there's live spaghnum moss with the plants.

I've had it set up for a little over a week. At first I was going to do a once a week misting thing, but then after about a week the moss had brown tips and I thought that meant it was underwatered so I misted quite a bit for like a day or two. All with distilled water. Now I've discovered that misting sundews is actually bad for their dew which makes sense based on how it seems to wash it away. I feel terrible!! I just really hope they can recover their dew. All the plants do look relatively healthy/not on their deathbed. The capensis and butterwort have been looking very healthy.

My problem now, is, how do I water them! I can't mist them or it'll mess up the dew, but misting is how you're supposed to water terrariums. I want to keep the humidity high and also just make sure the soil is moist enough. I've ordered some pipettes and was thinking maybe I could do a very very precise watering with pipettes on the moss on the surface and also maybe stick them into the soil? I honestly have no idea. I know people do put sundews in terrarriums. So: is there a watering method I can do to keep the substrate moist and preserve the dew? Also, how frequently should I do that watering method? I think I've solved the amount of light needed (a LOT), but I'm really unsure about watering and I don't want anything to die
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By Intheswamp
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I wish I could tell you what to do, but all I've really ever heard is that terrariums and carnivorous plants don't work well together. Too closed off a ecosystem for them.

But, as for providing small amounts of water in specific areas I would think drilling a hole in the cap of a water/soda, inserting a long piece of plastic (aquarium?) tubing snuggly into the hole (eyeball the drill bit to be a grunt smaller than the tubing) and using this as a squeeze-bottle applicator would put water where you want it.

Btw, terrariums *do* make great moss gardens!!! One of these days I'm going to get around to making one myself...probably inside a large glass jug, though. ;)

Best wishes!
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By andynorth
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Intheswamp wrote: Tue Oct 03, 2023 1:57 pm
Btw, terrariums *do* make great moss gardens!!! One of these days I'm going to get around to making one myself...probably inside a large glass jug, though. ;)

Best wishes!
I am doing something similar. I have red and green moss growing to put on black lava rocks.
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By andynorth
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lcal101 wrote: Tue Oct 03, 2023 3:55 am
My problem now, is, how do I water them! I can't mist them or it'll mess up the dew, but misting is how you're supposed to water terrariums.
What about connecting a small hose to a small humidifier and run the hose in to the terrarium? You could run the hose along the bottom and poke holes along the way. Careful though, most of the mini humidifiers require a small filter which for some dumb reason gets clogged if using distilled water. I found one that is small yet does not require the filters.
By lcal101
Posts:  6
Joined:  Tue Oct 03, 2023 3:44 am
oooh that's such a good idea!!! I'll try that for sure! I only have one humidifier right now though and I've used tap water in it in the past.. do you think there's a chance that minerals from that past use could affect the water getting pumped in?
andynorth wrote:
lcal101 wrote: Tue Oct 03, 2023 3:55 am
My problem now, is, how do I water them! I can't mist them or it'll mess up the dew, but misting is how you're supposed to water terrariums.
What about connecting a small hose to a small humidifier and run the hose in to the terrarium? You could run the hose along the bottom and poke holes along the way. Careful though, most of the mini humidifiers require a small filter which for some dumb reason gets clogged if using distilled water. I found one that is small yet does not require the filters.
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