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By hollyhock
Posts:  5663
Joined:  Thu Mar 05, 2015 8:56 am
. All bathing suits in Rochester MI must be inspected by the head of police.
I double dog dare anyone to march into the Rochester Police Station next summer and ask to have their bathing suit inspected. Chances are officers will want to examine your head
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By ChefDean
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Joined:  Tue Sep 18, 2018 12:44 am
So I want to get these in the mail Saturday if possible, we'll see if that can happen. Voting wil end about supper time tomorrow, 6 PM CST.
As it stands right now there is a tie between intheswamp and Huntsmanshorn for the Lady Luck, and smolrat61 is in the lead for the ventrata. If there's a run off, we'll do it over the weekend, or I'll take the easy road and cast a tiebreaker vote.
Reminder, winner pays shipping, anticipated to be $8 - $10, but I won't know until it's been sent.
Vote by liking your favorite dumb law.
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By ChefDean
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Better late than never, but life got in the way of my hobby again.
There was a clear Winner of the ventrata, but a three way tie for the Lady Luck. Intheswamp chose to gracefully bow out after an unexpected medical crisis. Please send thoughts and prayers for his speedy recovery from the combined and simultaneous contraction of R. lyssavirus, M. leprae, and T. pedis (rabies, leprosy, and Athletes Foot). The unfortunate result of an attack from rather aggressive VFT named Audrey that chose to bite the hand that feeds it. Or it could have come from his Uncle Cleophus Jean-Pierre Remy Brian Bertrand Thibedeux's bayou famous Rac-Awesome (Raccoon and 'Possum) Stew. We'll never know for sure, Sha.
Since smolrat61 has decisively won the Ventrata, and he and Huntsmanshorn were tied (with the ailing Intheswamp) for the Lady Luck, I chose the easy road (I used to live in Washington, so felt a localized connection to that dumb law) and cast the tie breaking vote.
Winner of the Lady Luck: Huntsmanshorn
Winner of the ventrata: smolrat61
Congrats to you both!
Shoot me an address so that I can get these out Monday. Anticipated shipping cost to be around $10, I'll let you know after it ships. Also after it ships, I'll shoot you a tracking number and my PayPal info.

Happy growing,
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By Intheswamp
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Congrats to the healthy winners. The leprosy and rabies ain’t too bad, but the athletes feet is a killer! And I ain’t even an athlete!!!
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By smolrat61
Posts:  64
Joined:  Mon Oct 02, 2023 7:43 am
Got the plant today!! It’s sitting in distilled water under a grow light, it’s super cute.

I was previously waiting for seeds and I told my spouse, he picked up the mail and said I got some “advanced seeds” in the mail LOL


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By smolrat61
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Thank you Camden!
I think you are right; I was basing off of when I went to a presentation before on carnivorous plants and they said that the tray method works well for pretty much all carnivorous plants. But looking online, it seems like it varies and might not be the best for nepenthes.
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By ChefDean
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That particular one was kept in a tray only because it was on my windowsill. I didn't have room or another hanging basket for it. However, it got watered like all my other Neps.
When the top of the media is dry to the touch (a couple times a week), I will put them in a bowl and gently top water. Once water starts to run out I stop and leave them in the bowl for about 20 to 30 minutes to let the media absorb what it wants. I then briefly let them drain and put them back in ther respective homes.
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Received. Thanks!

They arrived! thank you! :D

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