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By ChefDean
Posts:  9813
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I have two Nepenthes that I'm having trouble finding a spot indoors for them to spend the winter. Help me out and win one so you can give it a good home.
Number 1. Nepenthes "Lady Luck", grown from a vine cutting, originally from Shadowtski. It's a couple of years old, and it just activated a second growth point this year. This one is probably due for a repot.
Number A. Nepenthes ventrata, rooted basal, obtained in a trade with Blackfeather666 (I still say I got the better end of that trade). It's growing very well on my windowsill, but it'll quickly run out of room once I bring the rest in.
There could be two winners, or one person could win both.
Open to US addresses only, live plants after all.
Winner pays postage, probably around $8-$10. I'll have to let you know after I send them, payable through PayPal F&F.
Enter by posting a verifiable dumb law. It can be from any state, county, or city, but include where it's from or post a link to the source. You then say which one you'd like by ending with a 1 (Lady Luck) order an A (ventrata). You can then post a second dumb law to enter in the drawing for the other. These must be separate posts. If they're together in the same post, you'll be disqualified. You can only enter each one once.
Edit: If you post one that has already been shared, that one doesn't count, and you're invited to find another.
In Pennsylvania, it is illegal for a married man to buy alcohol without written permission from his wife. 1
In Salt Lake City, Utah, it is illegal to walk down the street carrying a violin in a paper bag. A
After a week or so, or at a time I arbitrarily choose (probably not too long in order to try and avoid cold weather), entries will stop and the voting will begin, and you'll vote by liking a dumb law. I suggest you do not vote until the entries are all in, as you can only vote for one. Voting for your own entry is allowed. If you vote more than once, the first post in chronological order of the posts will be considered your vote, the rest will be disregarded. So hold your vote until voting begins to cast your vote for the one you really want to vote for.
Edit: You can only vote once for a 1 and once for an A.
After another arbitrary amount of time, I'll announce that there is an arbitrary amount of time (24, 48, 35, or possibly 19 hours) left to vote before it closes.
Lady Luck
Lady Luck
20231003_205358.jpg (2.74 MiB) Viewed 2199 times
20231003_205425.jpg (3.28 MiB) Viewed 2199 times
These rules and procedures are not absolute, and can be amended as the giveaway progresses if an issue becomes apparent. Please keep chatter out of the giveaway thread, I'll open another thread for discussions and questions.
Aaaaand, gimme your dumb laws!
Shadowtski, Camden, elaineo liked this
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By elaineo
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In California, it is illegal to cut or prune a native tree without first obtaining a permit. In order to obtain a permit, one must first hire a certified arborist to prepare a report ensuring the trim will not harm the tree, and that there are no endangered species living in that part of the tree. As a result, the local electric company cannot do anything about tree branches growing into high voltage power lines, and every year the power lines cause multiple wildfires. 1
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By sans
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You cannot skate board in Florida without a license. 1
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By Intheswamp
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Alabama (where else, eh!). Putting salt on a railroad track can be punishable by death. - 1
andynorth, Panman liked this
By Huntsmanshorn
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Skamania County, Washington, passed a law in 1969 deeming the "slaying of Bigfoot to be a felony and punishable by 5 years in prison." The law was later amended, designating Bigfoot as an endangered species. 1
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By StephenB200+
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In Massachusetts It is illegal to frighten a pigeon. #1
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By ChefDean
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andynorth wrote: Thu Oct 05, 2023 6:08 pm In Washington State, The harassing of Bigfoot, giant Sasquatch, or other undiscovered subspecies is a felony.
That one has already been used, and you didn't specify which Nep you'd like.
Please try again.
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By Shadowtski
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In Milwaukee, Wisconsin, it is illegal for a car to be parked on the street for over two hours unless a horse is tied to the car.

Number A.

reference citation: ... wisconsin/
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By andynorth
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ChefDean wrote: Thu Oct 05, 2023 6:24 pm
andynorth wrote: Thu Oct 05, 2023 6:08 pm In Washington State, The harassing of Bigfoot, giant Sasquatch, or other undiscovered subspecies is a felony.
That one has already been used, and you didn't specify which Nep you'd like.
Please try again.
Wow. I must have skipped right over that one. My bad.
Also in in Washington State, Destroying another person’s beer cask, barrel, keg, or bottle is strictly forbidden, as is filling any of these things without the owner’s written consent.
If I win, give Nep to next person down. I do not need any Neps, I just like playing along :D :D
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By sans
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In Colorado, you cant catapult stuff. A
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By ChefDean
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Looking ahead, it looks like it will warm up a bit next weekend, at least in my little neck of the woods. That might be a good time to ship these before it cools off again.
I'm going to go help a coworker tomorrow get some hay stored. I anticipate being done with that around noon, so you have about 26 hours to get an entry in before voting will begin.
Any entries after 12 noon CST will not be in the running. Vote by liking only one dumb law in each category, your favorite. Shadowtski and andynorth have both shared, but have chosen to not be in the running, so votes for theirs will not be counted. I'll arbitrarily choose a day to give an arbitrary amount of time to finish voting, lilely closer to the end of this week.
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By ChefDean
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A little later than anticipated, we had to move equipment before we could throw hay, but voting is open. One person had already voted, thank you for starting it off.
Vote once for your favorite dumb law, and you can definitely vote for your own, but you can only vote one time only for each.
Voting will go for a few days, but I want to try to get these on their way Saturday. That's not rock solid, but would be nice.
Aaaaand vote!

Received. Thanks!

They arrived! thank you! :D

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