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By andynorth
Posts:  1658
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This is my first ever Giveaway so please advise if I do something incorrect. I just placed an order at ... a-seed-mix

I bought #53, #57 and #62. I will be lucky to use even half of these so I am going to do one giveaway per seed pack which will have roughly 75-100 seeds.

With Halloween creeping up on us, let's use that as a theme and all users can vote. Winners will be those with the most votes as of Oct.15th, 2023.

I want to see pics. In case you do not notice, I am in to COLOR. Lots and lots of color. Post your most colorful Halloween themed plants, plants and animals or ??? Sorry, no babies. I have enough of those ones. :D :D :D

I will pay to ship seeds to the top 3 winners.

EDIT: Open to all U.S. Forum members

Good luck and post them pics.
Last edited by andynorth on Thu Sep 21, 2023 7:08 am, edited 2 times in total.
Panman, wcrosman, Savethetrees4life and 2 others liked this
By PalmshoreExotics
Posts:  16
Joined:  Mon Sep 18, 2023 5:22 pm
I'll start it off...I took this picture of a red eyed tree frog in the jungles of Arenal Costa Rica 🐸 He was quite a colorful sight and rare to see as they spend most of their time in the upper tree canopy...only coming down to breed once a year!
Screenshot_2019-03-16-20-35-13-1-1-1.png (1.02 MiB) Viewed 2066 times
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By ChefDean
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andynorth wrote: Tue Sep 19, 2023 3:35 please advise if I do something incorrect.
The only thing I would suggest is to specify if it's open to everyone, or US addresses only.
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By Garden_Nymph
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ok I'll throw my hat in the ring.....especially since my bdaay is 10/25 too lol This is me and my sweet Bell. I took her to work to haunt people (she has a motion sensor and laughs and says a few things like I'm watching you etc... when people walk by or pick her up lol) love her!
Screenshot 2022-10-04 112054.png
Screenshot 2022-10-04 112054.png (775.88 KiB) Viewed 1907 times
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By Panman
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Don't give up. Giveaways and photo contests can be tough. You can do a simple sign up giveaway and I'm sure you would have more participation. Look in the giveaway forum and you can see some previous giveaway ideaa.
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By elaineo
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nooo it's a good prize and a good prompt, but the wrong time of year. i was walking around the yard looking for something to photograph, but my pumpkins, corn, and eastern redbuds are all still green :\
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By DragonsEye
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elaineo wrote: Tue Sep 26, 2023 7:23 pm nooo it's a good prize and a good prompt, but the wrong time of year. i was walking around the yard looking for something to photograph, but my pumpkins, corn, and eastern redbuds are all still green :\
I’d have to agree. Good idea and good prize. But, while retail stores have had stuff up for a month or more already :roll:, homes in my area are just starting to decorate, and trees are in the early stages of color change. For a Halloween giveaway, you’d probably be better off having said giveaway end near the end of October….perhaps even on Halloween.
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By smolrat61
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I don’t know how other people feel about rats but this is my submission! My little pet rat Bramble as a vampire with “bloody entrails” (aka blueberry)

29E3EA63-48B5-46C0-8C4F-ABE06CE66B3E.jpeg (350.07 KiB) Viewed 1625 times
Here’s his brothers lol as a witch as Sebastian the rat from suicide squad 2:
IMG_5864.jpeg (2.77 MiB) Viewed 1625 times
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By sans
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Well i dont care much about rats unless they are in my house. We caught tons though with slim jims as bait though.
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