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By htbm
Posts:  41
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I just noticed this sprout coming up the side of the pot of a sarracenia I bought from the local nursery about 7 weeks ago. It's still in the pot I bought it in and I very much doubt a bird or critter would have dropped that seed in right at the edge there so it must have been there when I bought it and just sprouted. Any ideas what it could be?! Given the size presumably it is probably not something I want in there (guessing no CPs have cotyledons anywhere near that large).
IMG_0364.JPG (1.31 MiB) Viewed 2413 times
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By ChefDean
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One way to find out, let it grow. But I'd suggest moving it to its own pot or into the ground first.
However, if I'd have to hazard a guess, it kinda looks like it could be a melon, gourd, squash, or something along those lines.
By htbm
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Well I pulled and tossed it. If it's not likely any kind of bog plant I probably don't care enough what it is to waste the potting stuff and water on it. :P Whatever it was the sucker was deep and those leaves are *thick*. No seed shells came up with it to help identify, unfortunately. I guess we'll never know for certain!
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By ChefDean
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It appears to have a seed shell half stuck to the junction between roots and stem, a rootlet appears to have pierced it to hold it tight. Anyone have watermelon around your place recently and spit seeds willy-nilly?
By htbm
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We have had watermelon a few times this summer, but it's been seedless varieties (except maybe once), not sure we've had any since I got that plant, and even if anyone were so inclined to spit the seeds I think it'd take some significant effort/skill to spit one a couple inches deep in the very side of a pot in the center of the table. I see what you're referring to in the picture, but I pulled it out of the trash and it's just soil, no shell.
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By Gary
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I agree with it being a melon of some sort. My son planted a few lemon drop melon seeds a few weeks ago and the seedlings look a lot like this one.
By htbm
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While inspecting today I noticed what was probably a sunflower seed (unsprouted) on the surface. Unknown how long it's been there as it was an all-black variety and I wasn't even sure it was a seed until I picked it up. Looking at google images of sunflower seedlings, DragonsEye's guess was probably correct and it was a sunflower. Mischievous birds, perhaps! :roll:
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By andynorth
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I have chicken bones on my roof. When I first spotted them I was baffled, even thought my neighbor was tossing them up there, until I realized it was the crows dropping them. When I mow my lawn I find them all over also. I also have plants in my front yard that mysteriously appeared in my back yard. Had to attribute that one to these darn moles.
By htbm
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LOL and wouldn't you know it, after saying here and the squirrels thread I haven't had any squirrel/bird problems, today I found a bird or something had dug up a couple of the splits from VFT #2, sadly including the only one of the splits that had started to show signs of recovery (should've waited for end of dormancy to split it, but it seemed so crowded for a death cube aquisition).
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By andynorth
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I bought a dog barking alarm that worked until the squirrels figured out it was not really my dog. I bought some chicken wire so a caged in picnic table is in my near future.

I thought it was birds at first but after seeing the destruction and reading up on it, birds do not normally dig in to the ground. Their beaks will not allow it and it is usually squirrels trying to hide their nuts so check before covering the soil up or you may be surprised next spring with some unwanted growth.

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