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Talk about your orchids and share photos of them here

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By alecStewart1
Posts:  217
Joined:  Tue Oct 11, 2022 9:45 pm
Hey friends!

I made the mistake of looking into orchids today, and I'm somewhat interested in growing them. Probably not now, as my fiance would like them but she would kill me for buying more plants as we're about to move. :shock:

I'm curious as to your preferred online sellers of orchids are, or even places to get orchids.

Also, I was wondering if there's any specific tips for caring for orchids dealing with shipping/transplant shock.
By alecStewart1
Posts:  217
Joined:  Tue Oct 11, 2022 9:45 pm
wcrosman wrote: Tue Sep 12, 2023 6:32 pm This is a great orchid shop. Don’t know about mail order as I am within driving distance. Their green house is amazing.
Interesting. I found this place called OrchidWeb that seems to have a wide selection. They even sell a couple of Pinguiculas (like 3 species).

EDIT: Apologies, that site is presentd by "Orchids Limited."
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By DragonsEye
Posts:  1372
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Really depends on what kinds of orchids interest you. Andy’s Orchids is awesome….especially if you like species and miniature orchids.
By alecStewart1
Posts:  217
Joined:  Tue Oct 11, 2022 9:45 pm
DragonsEye wrote: Tue Sep 12, 2023 11:15 pm Really depends on what kinds of orchids interest you. Andy’s Orchids is awesome….especially if you like species and miniature orchids.
Some of the species there are interesting! I'm kind of interested in miniatures and fragrant orchids.

On that OrchidWeb site, I found this plant which looks really cool! Some of the Neofinetia look interesting too.
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By DragonsEye
Posts:  1372
Joined:  Sat Oct 01, 2016 1:22 pm
Andy’s site can be dangerous. I advise first time visitors to his site to:
1) be sure to cover one’s keyboard with a drool-proof cover; and
2) turn over one’s wallet and credit cards to a loved one or good friend strong willed enough to keep them out of one’s reach before perusing his offerings.

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