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By Gary
Posts:  525
Joined:  Fri Jul 08, 2022 3:23 pm
Hi folks! My wife grows several flowering perennials and I noticed that her pansies were looking wilted and stunted today. I'm careful with the watering, pansies will get yellow and grouchy if you overwater them. When I looked more closely, I spotted these odd stalks on some of the leaves. They look like fungal spore sacs. I bagged and isolated the plant. Has anyone seen anything like this? Advice appreciated!
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By optique
Posts:  1996
Joined:  Fri May 24, 2019 11:15 pm
Most likely you have aphids. When the eggs on the strings hatch that will change quickly. I would put it back in with your other plants so the lacewing larva spread out. Each larva can eat 1000 aphids a day.

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By Gary
Posts:  525
Joined:  Fri Jul 08, 2022 3:23 pm
Good news, thanks! I placed the pansies back with the other pots and planters. Hopefully covering the plant overnight with plastic didn't harm the eggs.
By Gary
Posts:  525
Joined:  Fri Jul 08, 2022 3:23 pm
Yeah, looks like aphids. Here's one of the leaves, the surface is really sticky. Lots of tiny white dots along with some larger critters, may be some thrips on there, too. I'm hesitant to use the Capt Jack's on it as I don't want to kill the lacewing eggs/larvae. I'll wait to see what happens. Thanks for the insights.
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