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By Panman
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As much as I hate to admit it, I about killed a heliamphora that Hollyhock sent me as a prize. I'm not sure how I did it, but I fried it. I cleaned it up, cut up what was left, put it in sphagnum and bagged it. I left it under lights for a few weeks and have started to see new growth. Now it is out of the bag and in the nursery tent. Hopefully it will continue to improve
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By madrone
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Well, now I feel worse about the ones that I mistreated and couldn't revive, because I didn't act as quickly enough as you have. New growth is a great sign! I'm sure it will be back by EOS (end of season)! Good luck!
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By DragonsEye
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Looks like you have a couple of growth points, so that's a plus. ;)
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By Panman
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Well, we are 6 months in recovery and it looks like the plant is doing well. It appears to be putting out immature pitchers even though it had mature pitchers when I got (and subsequently almost killed) it. I've started feeding it Maxsea every other week, and the new pitchers seem to be more robust. Definitely an interesting looking plant. I'm not sure why the pitchers seem to be coming off of a stem, but it seems happy that way.
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By andynorth
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I think I will hit mine that was pretty much DOA. I have had it in a plastic bag and it seems to be recovering, albeit quite slowly. Do you just spritz with Maxsea or feed directly in to pitchers?
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By Panman
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I didn't start fertilizing it until it was consistently putting up new pitchers. I fill one or two pitchers with a syringe.
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By andynorth
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OK. Thank you. Mine has put up a few new pitchers. Only way I could really tell was that the original ones were brown and pretty much DOA. Is there a specific time of day to feed? I was of the understanding not to feed Flytraps until it is dark and just wondering if other CP's are the same or not. Pic is how it looks now. Trying to locate original pic.
Then-Nov 7, 2023
Then-Nov 7, 2023
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Now-Dec 18, 2023
Now-Dec 18, 2023
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Last edited by andynorth on Mon Dec 18, 2023 8:06 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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By Panman
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I have never heard that before. The only reason I could think to avoid feeding them during the day was if you were wetting them down with fertilizer and it might burn the leaves. They are on my desk so I feed them whenever I get around to it during the day.
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By andynorth
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Panman wrote: Mon Dec 18, 2023 7:46 pm The only reason I could think to avoid feeding them during the day was if you were wetting them down with fertilizer and it might burn the leaves.
That is probably the reason. The person I heard it from is a paranoid grower from the south. (No, not ITS!!!)
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By Intheswamp
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andynorth wrote: Mon Dec 18, 2023 8:07 pm
Panman wrote: Mon Dec 18, 2023 7:46 pm The only reason I could think to avoid feeding them during the day was if you were wetting them down with fertilizer and it might burn the leaves.
That is probably the reason. The person I heard it from is a paranoid grower from the south. (No, not ITS!!!)
It's not paranoia if something is really after you! Every time I walk into my little grow room I get this really weird feeling like somebody's watching me... :?
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