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By ChefDean
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Sundews69 wrote: Sun Jul 10, 2022 2:52 pm This has gotten very off topic :lol:
Yes. Yes it has.
However, I find it perplexing why those who choose to not eat meat point out the substitutes that are said to look and taste like meat. Why go through all that trouble? Just eat your tofurkey and let me have my red, dead, and corn fed. I don't lambast vegans for eating the food of my food, but I find it funny that my food poops on their food.
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By Intheswamp
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ChefDean wrote:
Sundews69 wrote: Sun Jul 10, 2022 2:52 pm This has gotten very off topic :lol:
Yes. Yes it has.
However, I find it perplexing why those who choose to not eat meat point out the substitutes that are said to look and taste like meat. Why go through all that trouble? Just eat your tofurkey and let me have my red, dead, and corn fed. I don't lambast vegans for eating the food of my food, but I find it funny that my food poops on their food.
I've got a buddy of mine who grew up hunting, fishing, trapping, etc.,. We go back over 55 years being best friends (I'm blessed to have a friend from that far back!). Anyhow, we were at a men's fellowship one's called a "Swamp Supper"...any thing that walks, creeps, jumps, swims, crawls, whatever is cooked. Well, we were walking around and got split up for a few minutes. I found some mountain oysters a guy was cooking up so I grabbed a few. Me and my buddy got back a few minutes later and I offered him one. Now, he's eaten most anything that has had a pulse or not, he's not really hesitant to try new things. He took a good bite of one of the 'meatballs', chews it a bit and swallows, and asks me what it was. I responded "mountain oysters"...his whole being just kind of collapsed as his mouth gaped open. He was incredulous that he had eaten a mountain oyster!! I mean, what-the-hay!!!! He's eaten everything under sun in the past. They were spiced nicely, and a nice gravy with them, and wasn't really tough though they did have a little "texture" to them. I thought they were pretty good. I just don't know what was wrong with that boy! Funny how people can be. :mrgreen:
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By DragonsEye
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ChefDean wrote: Sun Jul 10, 2022 12:42 am All completely true, but much easier to describe as salts, and even are referred to as salts in college chemistry courses (at least the ones I have taken so far. It's simpler for most people to understand when they're referred to as salts.
Honestly, I do get that. But, again, it's the teacher in me. I really deplore having to "unteach" misconceptions that students/people have learned all because it was taught to them incorrectly. It is like the ludicrous notion that this plant or that plant "likes being potbound". It is a fast way to get a person to accept keeping the plant in a small pot (and there are advantages for us humans to do so), but is completely contrary to reality.
ChefDean wrote: Sun Jul 10, 2022 12:42 am I hear Organic Chemistry is a beast) if only because there are so many ways they can become part of a salt.
Depends upon the instructor, truth be told. I enjoyed Organic Chem when I was at university. Far more so that Inorganic. But I also had an instructor who could explain things simply and seemed to actually enjoy teaching.
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