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By MaxVft
Posts:  1214
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Hello all,
I just had the craziest idea this morning when I was about to grab my maxsea dropper bottle instead of my regular dropper bottle to soak my bloodworms. You guys probably know what happens next: What if I grabbed the maxsea without knowing, soaked bloodworms in the maxsea, and fed the bloodworms to my CPs, for example a VFT - Would it kill the trap, or superpower the growth on the plant? Just a really weird idea to see if anyone has tested it...
Last edited by MaxVft on Thu Aug 05, 2021 10:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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By Ewreck
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Made my first gallon of maxsea yesterday and was wondering the same thing lol. Not sure what to make of the mad cow article above but it did have me wonder do you need to test the ph of your max sea solution? Or is that if you were trying to add it to the soil or something?
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By ChefDean
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It's been done. I can't find the story, but I believe it killed smaller traps, and the bigger traps seemed to tolerate it. However, the bigger traps also seemed to decline faster. Whether it's due to too much of a good thing at once, or the plant saying "make way for new traps", who knows?
You could always further dilute the Maxsea to give them a little boost. Say, one drop of Maxsea to every four drops of water, then soak the bloodworms in that. Just a little vitamin shot.
Let us know how it goes.
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By CPhunter101
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A year ago, on a rainy day, I collected some worms and placed them in the pitchers of my S. Purpurea.
Then, I sprayed the pitchers full with Maxsea fertilizer. I think this was when my purp had its largest leaf jumps.
Since it was a sarr, my purp didn't suffer any damage on its older pitchers (the ones that I fed), but I'm not sure how this would effect vfts.
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By MaxVft
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FINALLY some sensible answers to this thread I made months ago... :lol:
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By CPhunter101
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MaxVft wrote:FINALLY some sensible answers to this thread I made months ago...
Yikes, this thread was made in August... Well, at least it was answered! :!:
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By Apollyon
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I did this after reading the thread ChefDean was talking about(Think it was some time last year?).Personally didn't see anything remarkable but I didn't do it for a real length of time. I did it once or twice and only on a couple traps. I believe overall the variety in nutrients the plant can get from it will probably provide more for the plant to work with so it probably would be effective in the long run. I only used a 1/2 tsp mix and IIRC, I didn't notice any actual damage to my plants from using it.

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