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By ChefDean
Posts:  9422
Joined:  Tue Sep 18, 2018 12:44 am
I'd like to thank our OG seed bank manager for his recent donation. Some we've had before, but a couple may turn out to be something neat.
He has donated some OP seeds from a VFT G17 mother, questionable father (we don't talk about him at family gatherings).
For Drosera, he has donated some typical Capes, collinsae, latifolia, spatulata "Coloane Macau", and one he is calling D. capensis "Redrum"
Redrum is a red Cape, but very red. Even my wife, who tunes me out when I start talking carnivorous plants, saw this and said "Wow!!!". (Three exclamation points y'all)
Mystery Red 001.JPG.jpg
Mystery Red 001.JPG.jpg (5.09 MiB) Viewed 656 times
None of this plants seeds have grown to see if this insane red carries through, but there's always a chance.
All of these were sent as bulk, and I think we can get at least two packs out of each. Also, all these seeds, except the Redrum, are immediately available to all eligible members. The Redrum are only available to donors for the next 48 hours, and every eligible member after that.
Thanks Shadowtski, your generosity is very appreciated.
Shadowtski, elaineo, Apollyon and 5 others liked this

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