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By MattBrocchini
Posts:  15
Joined:  Sun Jul 04, 2021 4:03 pm
For a few years I had flytraps and pitchers growing together, but some of my flytraps were lost when a squirrel dug up one of the pots and the others failed over the past two years. I can't find any sign of a flytrap anymore, I think the cause may have been accumulated minerals.

In any case, I'm now seeing this bloom, which looks kind of but not quite like a flytrap flower spike to me:
IMG_014028.JPG (2.66 MiB) Viewed 4451 times
Here's a closer look, with a visitor:
IMG_014036.JPG (1.9 MiB) Viewed 4451 times
IMG_014041.JPG (1.51 MiB) Viewed 4451 times
Here's what I see at the base of the stalk... no sign of anything:
IMG_014032.JPG (2.83 MiB) Viewed 4451 times
Thanks for any ideas you might have!
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By Panman
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It does look like a flytrap stalk. I see that at the base of the stalk is covered by carpet moss. That could be covering a flytrap rhizome and the flower could be its last ditch effort to propagate. I'd pull up the moss and see what is growing underneath it.
By MattBrocchini
Posts:  15
Joined:  Sun Jul 04, 2021 4:03 pm
Actually, looking more closely I am pretty sure it is from a sundew... there are a few sundew "arms" that appear to be attached to this flower spike. And looking at pics of sundew blossoms, there are some that look pretty close.
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By ChefDean
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Looking at the first three pics, I was thinking binata due to the seemingly random flowers rather than inline. I have a binata var multifida in between blooms right now, and that's what it looks like.
After seeing the last pic, with the binata arms, I'm going to put my money on it being a binata stalk.
By MattBrocchini
Posts:  15
Joined:  Sun Jul 04, 2021 4:03 pm
Yes for sure it is the sundew, I did uncover the moss and found it connected to the forked leaves. Thank you for the ID. Is there any point in trying to save seeds or will it not self pollinate?
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By ChefDean
Posts:  9456
Joined:  Tue Sep 18, 2018 12:44 am
There are only a couple of binata variants that are self compatible, but I believe none are self pollinating. You need two genetically different plants to get seeds in most cases. But it wouldn't hurt to try.
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