FlytrapCare Carnivorous Plant Forums

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By Lain
Posts:  300
Joined:  Tue Mar 09, 2021 5:22 pm
I've been long obsessed with carnivorous plants. I'll admit I've made mistakes before when I fell for buying vft in the tubes at hardware stores during spring and not knowing their care. I felt so guilty.

I've come a long ways after much research but still have a black thumb. Been lurking here for a while but finally decided to sign up. I decided to get a drosera capensis as my first cp since everyone said its indestructible.. I don't think I'm doing well but I'll make a seperate post for that. Looking forward to learning more. Thanks!
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By Apollyon
Posts:  1663
Joined:  Tue May 05, 2020 2:49 am
Welcome! Everyone has a black thumb in the beginning :lol: Capensis is a great choice!
Help! My VFT is dying

So i can keep all vft outside 24/7 in zone 6?

St. Patrick’s Beard

Hasn’t made a normal trap in FOREVERR, can f[…]

FTS Archangel



Amazing as always, wish it had color though ;)

GJ Goliath

Let’s try this again.

Korean Melody Shark


Sounds like it should be about the same thing. M[…]

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