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By Cello
Posts:  9
Joined:  Sun Dec 29, 2019 2:08 am
cant we really feed them? i mean its just very uncomfortable as a carnivorous plant grower (hobby) cant feed their plant. :cry:
i wanted to grow some terestrial utricularia,
its calyfida and sandersonii. i read some people said you can feed it with daphnia, but THEY CAN REACH HALF A CENTIMETRE! :x
can they eat thoose? i mean does the trap big enough to swallow them?
(and even i wont grow aquatic one, how do you feed the aquatic one? just wondering ;) )
By Cello
Posts:  9
Joined:  Sun Dec 29, 2019 2:08 am
and also, does utricularia calyfida bloom like everyday, like sandersonii?
By chomato
Posts:  324
Joined:  Thu Jul 04, 2019 2:36 am
Cello wrote:and also, does utricularia calyfida bloom like everyday, like sandersonii?
I've only had my calycifida flower once during summer, after it rained. I have it outdoors. Idk about indoors
By twitcher
Posts:  656
Joined:  Sat Aug 25, 2018 5:56 am
I've been trying to establish a good culture of paramecia for just that purpose, but so far haven't had much success gettng a culture going. I used to do this easily as a child, but lately its been difficult. Perhaps they might be too small for some Utric traps, but I want to give them a try.

My sandersonii bloom almost constantly once they fill the surface of the container they are in. The flowers ebb and flow, sometimes just a few, sometimes most of the pot.

My calycifidia has been blooming constantly since about two months after receiving it. That was last summer. I haven't had it for a full year, so can't fully answer your question, but it does like to bloom. It has been a joyful Utric for me.
By tommyr
Posts:  1762
Joined:  Mon Nov 02, 2009 1:38 am
My sandersonii bloom almost constantly once they fill the surface of the container they are in. The flowers ebb and flow, sometimes just a few, sometimes most of the pot.[/quote]

My sandersonii grows VERY slowly. Not sure why. Standard peat/perlite mix and I use rainwater.
By twitcher
Posts:  656
Joined:  Sat Aug 25, 2018 5:56 am
My sandersonii blue grew from a one inch plug to cover a 4 x 5" container surface in about 2 months, then started growing up the sides. They like it wet, so I would question the water level in your pot. I keep mine about 1/2 below the surface of the media (50:50 peat:sand although media is not too critical).

Sandersonii white seems a little slower for me, but not by much.

If you are not sure of the water level, you can raise it so that the plant is slightly underwater, then let it evaporate for a few days to get below the surface level. They seem to like it. I also top water rather than tray method.
By tommyr
Posts:  1762
Joined:  Mon Nov 02, 2009 1:38 am
I've been keeping the water level half way up the pot. In bright indirect Sun. She flowers once in a while. My blue form died on me last year for some reason.
Water Quality

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