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By chevyguy8893
Posts:  413
Joined:  Fri Aug 01, 2014 12:32 am
I recently started growing a small number of ant plants (epiphytic caudiciforms) just because they are rather neat plants. At some point I'll add more when there is more space, but I'm happy with what I have right now. So, here is some photos of the plants I have. I know of one other member here that grows them, but does anyone else? If so, I'd love to see photos of plants that others have!

ImageMyrmecodia tuberosa (armata form) by Adam B., on Flickr

ImageMyrmecodia tuberosa Caudex by Adam B., on Flickr

ImageHydnophytum formicarum (medium form from Duke University) by Adam B., on Flickr

ImageHydnophytum formicarum Caudex by Adam B., on Flickr

ImageMyrmecodia sp. with Pink Fruit by Adam B., on Flickr

ImageMyrmecodia beccarii by Adam B., on Flickr

ImageMyrmecodia beccarii by Adam B., on Flickr
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By chevyguy8893
Posts:  413
Joined:  Fri Aug 01, 2014 12:32 am
I got most of them from an eBay seller that goes by frankinmi. He is very knowledgable when it comes to these plants. Two of the other plants came from a couple other eBay sellers.
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By Cory
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Looking good !

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By BioPop06
Posts:  3
Joined:  Sat Jul 20, 2019 12:48 am
You said you got yours off of eBay, so does that mean that you live where these plants live?
Or does your seller have a license for such transaction, or are you somehow doing it illegally
By twitcher
Posts:  656
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#341479 sells them among other very nice plants. Recommended seller.
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By DragonsEye
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BioPop06 wrote:You said you got yours off of eBay, so does that mean that you live where these plants live?
Or does your seller have a license for such transaction, or are you somehow doing it illegally
No real need to harvest ant plants illegally. Don't believe any of them are CITES restricted to begin with (though I acknowledge that I could possibly be wrong on that). They flower easily and flowers are self fertile. (And the flowers of most are completely unimpressive little "blips.") Seeds sprout readily if sown fresh but have a very, very short self life if one was thinking of trying to store them. They are not hard to grow if given warm to hot humid conditions. (So basically, grow as a low lander.) One doesn't see them offered a lot simply because there is not a huge demand for them.

Based on the eBay handle, I'm pretty sure I know who the seller is -- he lives in Michigan, yes?. And if so, he's a real nice guy. Retired, he works part time at a botanical garden where among other things he grows and tends -- you guessed it -- ant plants. Has some nice large specimens at the conservatory.

A friend of mine might have some he would part with, should anyone be interested. But I'd have to check with him to see what $ he'd be asking. Also, I have a bunch of Monolena available. Monolena are suspected of also being ant plants. Caudex forms on larger/older plants but will not as obvious as the caudices the OP's display. On the flip side, Monolena have nicer looking leaves and get flowers that are actually attractive and far larger than those of plants like the OP's will eventually get.

Received. Thanks!

They arrived! thank you! :D

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