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Moderator: Matt

By twitcher
Posts:  656
Joined:  Sat Aug 25, 2018 5:56 am
I read someplace, but not sure where, that warm temperate pinguicula can be propagated via leaf pulls, but that the success rate was low. Would like to hear if anybody has tried this and what the results were. Thanks
By xanthoparmelia
Posts:  349
Joined:  Tue May 29, 2018 10:02 pm
Got a couple of strikes from a primuliflora leaf pull. Haven't tried any others though, so i can't speak to the difficulty. But i've heard the same thing; That they're not as easy as Mexican pings. I'll be attempting caerulea next.
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By Benurmanii
Posts:  2000
Joined:  Fri Aug 07, 2015 4:34 pm
xanthoparmelia wrote:Got a couple of strikes from a primuliflora leaf pull. Haven't tried any others though, so i can't speak to the difficulty. But i've heard the same thing; That they're not as easy as Mexican pings. I'll be attempting caerulea next.
P. primuliflora is the exception amongst warm temperates since it's the only warm temperate that produces plantlets on its leaf tips. The others can produce plantlets at the bsae of the leaf like Mexican Ping pullings, but it is very difficult to do and has a low rate of success.

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