FlytrapCare Carnivorous Plant Forums

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Moderator: Matt

By Fishkeeper
Posts:  810
Joined:  Sat Dec 03, 2016 10:59 pm
I have an indoor bog garden. It's a plastic window box, about 24" by 10". My plans for it are sarracenias, if I can keep them happy, and definitely some VFTs. Maybe some sundews. The substrate is LFSM with a decent bit of orchid bark and perlite mixed into the lower areas. It needs a mulch, though, it's drying out a bit thanks to indoor humidity lack.
Pine needles are the best mulch for bog gardens, right?
Can I use green pine needles, or do they have to be pre-dried? I don't need an entire bale of them, so I figure the best route to take is just to gather a gallon bag or two and rinse 'em real well to remove any potential nutrients and/or bugs.
New cultivar potential?

This plant always has something in its mouth :rol[…]

Thanks! Sent from my SM-A326U using Tapatalk

Black tips on drosera regia

It's probably nothing, as the whole plant seems to[…]

Hello from Arkansas!

Welcome to the forum!

Yellowish leaves on N. ventrata

My 'Mimis Kiss' is finally growing pitchers again[…]

Hello , I can help with the Drosera if you are sti[…]

First flower stalk on VFT

I might let the biggest flower stalk flower but c[…]

I repotted some of the vft's from the flower stal[…]

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