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By Hungry Plants
Posts:  1134
Joined:  Mon Nov 28, 2016 2:41 am
Hello all. I just ordered some U. Longifolia and was just wondering if you guys goud give me some tips on the best way to grow it. Things like potting, watering, bustrate ect. Any help would be much appreciated.
By Fishkeeper
Posts:  813
Joined:  Sat Dec 03, 2016 10:59 pm
Put it in a deep pot, at least 6 inches, with no drainage holes. Use lightly packed LFSM with a handful of perlite in it as substrate, with some live LFSM tucked in if you want. The reason you use no drainage holes is it likes to be wet- very wet. Mine is in a transparent pot (actually a betta 'tank' that's far too small for any fish), and I keep the water level about an inch below the surface of the soil. Once a month or so, I flood it until the soil surface is completely submerged.
By Hungry Plants
Posts:  1134
Joined:  Mon Nov 28, 2016 2:41 am
Fishkeeper wrote:Put it in a deep pot, at least 6 inches, with no drainage holes. Use lightly packed LFSM with a handful of perlite in it as substrate, with some live LFSM tucked in if you want. The reason you use no drainage holes is it likes to be wet- very wet. Mine is in a transparent pot (actually a betta 'tank' that's far too small for any fish), and I keep the water level about an inch below the surface of the soil. Once a month or so, I flood it until the soil surface is completely submerged.

I have one of those round terrariums boles yous see succulents in all the time. I am out of perlite would sand work?
By Fishkeeper
Posts:  813
Joined:  Sat Dec 03, 2016 10:59 pm
The bowl will work if you fill it up almost entirely with substrate. I suggest something wide-mouthed. Clear things are cool because you can watch the roots grow, and also keep a good eye on the water level.

Straight LFSM might work better than moss and sand. The idea isn't to provide good drainage, like with other plants, you just want to be sure the moss doesn't compact.
Hello again from Florida


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