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By Shelilla
Posts:  221
Joined:  Wed Sep 21, 2016 5:21 pm
This might sound like a weird question lol, but I was kind of curious on how CP flowers and breeding works? Like for example, if my Nepenthes Ventrata just spontaneously started flowering and I really wanted to get some seeds from it, but didn't have any other plants to breed it with, could it be possible to get someone to like mail pollen or whatever it is they breed with? Or can they asexually reproduce? Or do I have the totally wrong idea about this and they produce seeds in a completely different way? Is it even possible to collect pollen?
I'm very curious about this concept and was just interested to see if anybody has even tried this before. :)
By Shelilla
Posts:  221
Joined:  Wed Sep 21, 2016 5:21 pm
Benurmanii wrote:Yes, pollen can be collected, stored, and mailed. People do this very often with Nepenthes. Unfortunately, ventrata seems to be a sterile plant, I do not believe there have ever been any successful crosses with ventrata.
Huh, very interesting! :D I didn't know that, cool! Can you do it with VFTs and Drosera too?
Hello from New England


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