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By Raistlarn
Posts:  300
Joined:  Tue Nov 01, 2016 2:20 am
Hi I was given a sprig of A. vesiculosa, and I was wondering a few things. I was wanting to introduce daphnia to the container as a food source/algae remover. I was wondering whether I should use Daphnia or Moina (very small Daphnia) as a food source. I was also wondering if this would be a good food for Genlisea.
By Benurmanii
Posts:  2000
Joined:  Fri Aug 07, 2015 4:34 pm
Genlisea traps are much too small for Daphnia, and likely Moina. Anyways, Genlisea tend to do best as very wet terrestrials, not aquatics. Aldrovanda traps are fairly large so I'd imagine Daphnia would be fine, but I've heard they do best if you just let misquitos lay their eggs in the water, as the larvae will all be eaten by the Aldrovanda.
Last edited by Benurmanii on Tue Mar 28, 2017 11:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Trying My Hand With TC

So any sggestions, guidance, etc,?

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