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Discussions about anything related to Venus Flytraps, cultivars and named clones

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By boarderlib
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Joined:  Fri Dec 04, 2015 1:13 pm
Branmuffin wrote:i think he can be a good resource for people getting into the hobby to get some very mature and interesting plants for a good price, hopefully people will see this thread in the future when researching this seller if they want to be 100% sure they are getting a true cultivator they might look to a more reliable nursery.
He can be a good resource for healthy plants, BUT then it's this same discussion all over again just like,, and there's a reply from him here, I can keep going on if need be.
DTDream18 wrote:I once asked him a question on this forum and he replied with such double talk that I have no idea what he was trying to say.
I think you may be referring to the last couple posts in that second link.

The problem isn't his plants, it's him targeting people who don't know any better. Then they turn around, not knowing any better and muddy up the cultivar pool. By passing plants off as cultivars that are not. I got duped with my first fly trap order in asimilar fashion. I looked up his past threads only to find out my cultivars where seed grown. This in return aggravates us growers who like our cultivars. Then a big stink starts all over again. It's a never ending battle, because new people get excited that they can get a claimed cultivar for just a few bucks as opposed to spending 30 or 40 bucks on it through a reputable store. This in return takes money from the growers who actually care about their plants and reputation.

I honestly would love to start selling plants at one point, but I still have a ton to learn before that day. Why? Because I care about my reputation, before I care about making a dollar.

Since joining this forum last Dec I have seen multiple people get on here for a couple months then open a store. You can NOT learn everything you need to know about these plants in a couple months. I'm a really fast learner, and I'm still pretty much an idiot when it comes to these plants.

95% of this could be avoided with a simple search before someone clicks buy. Or even ask an experienced grower where they get their plants from. I've bugged multiple growers on here through Pm's about things like that. They are always more than willing to help, probably just to avoid this same discussion over and over again. I'm always willing to point people towards reputable growers to get plants from too.

But hey save that dollar and maybe get a cultivar, maybe not. I would rather know.

Happy growing!

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By Matt
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boarderlib wrote:The problem isn't his plants, it's him targeting people who don't know any better. Then they turn around, not knowing any better and muddy up the cultivar pool. By passing plants off as cultivars that are not.
This is the core issue. By most reports, his plants are healthy and nice. It's just that they're misleadingly labeled, which will lead to mislabeled plants in collections.
By DTDream18
Posts:  605
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francisfaustino wrote:Again, sorry for the comment. I wasn't trying to insinuate that the two of you were lying. I was just trying to support both sides of the debate.

No offense taken. I consider you guys on the forum to be like my Flytrap growing family. If you want to hear something funny there's another guy on Ebay who's selling Blue Flytrap seeds and Lavender colored Flytrap seeds. You may have seen the auctions with the photoshopped photos ?

Well i wrote to him asking what the seeds really were ? I mentioned that there is no such thing as venus flytraps that are blue or laveder colored. And to my surprise he wrote back right away insisting that there were, and that the seeds would grow the flytraps.

I had to double check that the seller wasn't Fingers001. :mrgreen:
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By francisfaustino
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With selective breeding, who knows! We're into clownfishes. My fiance and I used to joke that when we get married, the center pieces for the reception tables will be a pair of clownfishes with our names written with their stripes by selective breeding them until the stripes spell our names!

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