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By Dewy the Sundew
Posts:  292
Joined:  Sat May 14, 2016 6:14 am
The Petiolaris complex of the sundew/drosera family, also known as woolly sundews, are a group of sundews native to Northern Australia. The leaves of these plants are arranged in a rosette with long, narrow petioles emerging from the center. At the end of the petiole are the carnivorous leaves with long retentive glands. Some of the species i could list are, D.paradoxa, D.petiolaris, D.falconeri, D.kenneallyi but there sure are more of them. The petiolaris complex grows in some of the hottest enviroments with alot of sun, which means water is very important, so the wool/hair on these plants are to conserve moisture and gather droplets of water through morning dew.
POTS: Pots can range from 4 inches to 12 inches depending on the species, their size varies, although some adult plants can be grown in small pots.
LIGHTING: These plants come from some of the sunniest places, so full sun is preferred but some species can do well with some shade, such as D.paradoxa. 8 to 12 hours of sun/light for these plants.
COMPOST/MIX: Most species grows well in 2:1 Peat and washed sand, sphagnum moss could work very well too.
HUMIDITY: Could tolerate low humidity, but moderate to high is preferred.
TEMPERATURE: Hot temperature, tropical also, around 30 degrees C.
WATERING: Stand the pot in a tray or saucer in 1-3cm of water, some species prefer drier conditions so allow the tray to dry up for a day or 2 before filling it up again. Top watering works too but tray method is preferred.
PROPAGATION: Some species produce offshoots from the main plant, seperate them and pot them up. Can be grown from seed. Leaf cuttings do not work however, leaf pullings may work.
OVERALL: If you are lucky enough to get one of the petiolaris complex plants and give it the right conditions, it would be well worth it for these magnificent and beautiful plants, even i myself grow one, a D.paradoxa, the redness of its leaves are striking!
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Ending: This is my first ever caresheet, hope it helps!(And to be updated soon!)~DewytheSundew.
Last edited by Dewy the Sundew on Wed Jun 21, 2017 11:27 am, edited 2 times in total.

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