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Ask questions about how to grow and care for Venus Flytraps

Moderator: Matt

By Kvatch
Posts:  17
Joined:  Sat Jul 11, 2015 3:11 pm
I will be going out of town in 2 weeks so should I leave them inside for the time being? When I get back I will move them all outside and then take them back inside when winter comes. I added a small desktop fan on a timer that turns on 6 times a day for 15mins which puts out a very light breeze. Here is an update picture (fan is moved closer for picture purpose). The plants seem to be doing great so far. Right now the setup is in my basement in a back room. Will not enough humidity be a problem? If I start to acclimate the Traps for being outside right now would it be alright If I take them back inside for almost a week when I am gone?
Thanks to everyone who has given me advice. I am probably overreacting a little ,but this is only because I want to make sure everything is done right. Thanks again!
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By IHaveNoIdea
Posts:  536
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Humidity doesn't really matter as long as is everything else fine.
I think you can put them outside now. Give them lots of water so they will have some reserves for the week you will be gone. If you have a greenhouse, that would be good. Watch the weather forecast. If there will be any storms, it might be a good idea to leave them inside.
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By Kvatch
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I moved my FlyTraps outside on a Southwest facing porch.
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By Kvatch
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In the picture above, the FlyTrap on the right is a low giant and FlyTrap on the left is a dc xl. I also own a B52. It is around 80F outside where I am from. I will rearrange my FlyTraps so they can get some sun from the south and east.
By IHaveNoIdea
Posts:  536
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Okay, it will be better for them, because the sun is too powerful on the west, but I think you figured it out. 80F is ideal. Pretty noble VFTs you got yourself, good luck. ;)
You are a fan of the TES I guess?
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By Kvatch
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Yeah I am a big fan of the elder scrolls. I own every game from the series. Wasn't a big fan of ESO though. I am surprised you recognized my username as being a reference from the game. ;)
By B-money
Posts:  33
Joined:  Sat Jun 06, 2015 1:21 am
My setup is 2 13w 6500k 860 lumens compact fluorescent bulbs in standard shop fixtures on timer. I would have gone with a higher wattage but my options were 5000k 23w or 6500k 13w. I went with the right color as opposed to higher wattage. My thought was if it's not enough watts I can just add more bulbs. No fan as they're right near a window which is open when I'm home and also near the vent so airflow is taking place in the room if not on the plants directly. No problems thus far. Lights are about 6" above the plants. The bulbs get warm so every few days I hold my hand between light and plant to make sure they're not too warm. Reflectors and such are used to project as many light particles from your bulb as possible onto your plants.

Additionally, leaving flytraps in trays of standing water is very much not recommended unless you live somewhere extremely hot causing the growing medium to dry out rapidly. Top watering and removing excess water from catch trays is the most recommend method
Monster 4 weeks later - note the many large traps, they are all approx 1 inch
Monster 4 weeks later - note the many large traps, they are all approx 1 inch
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Starter size maroon monster - day 1
Starter size maroon monster - day 1
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Lighting setup
Lighting setup
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By Anymal911
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Thank you so much B-Money!!!
I'm using 13W 6500k 860 lumen bulbs too in an aquarium fixture. What I did is I took a ten gallon tank and I took it apart, then I removed the front panel and put it back together in order to allow air flow but keep a high humidity at the same time. I've never seen anyone use this so I want to test it out.
By B-money
Posts:  33
Joined:  Sat Jun 06, 2015 1:21 am
From all I've read humidity is really only a factor when your trying to germinate seeds, but keep us posted on how it goes! As you can see I do nothing to control humidity and plants seem to not care at all. In another thread I posted pics and bit of a horror story my cat put me through, plant is doing better than hoped. It should also be noted that my plant spent less than 48 hours in shipping, Matt + Leah were so efficient at packing and shipping I think the plant only knew about the change of address because he got a new pot before hand! Good luck! And if u had any doubts about buying a flytrapstore plant, banish them immediately and buy something!
Last edited by B-money on Tue Jul 14, 2015 1:10 am, edited 1 time in total.
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