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By kevin KG
Posts:  87
Joined:  Thu Nov 08, 2012 5:35 pm
So I was planting some catnip plant (Nepeta Cateria) seeds some days ago. After about a week the seeds grow into seedlings, but not long after that it dies. I water it everyday but the seedling looks like rotting or become dry. Any help please?
By Vern
Posts:  232
Joined:  Mon Mar 26, 2012 10:51 pm
Why don't you try starting some of the seed indoors and transfer them when they look a little hardier. You'll be able to monitor their moister levels a lot easier. The seeds don't look terribly big or small, just put them in a pan or seedling pots and just sprinkle them over with a thin layer of seedling mix, and until they germinate keep a lid or cover over them, mist until they have a few good leaves them water from the bottom until they're ready to transplant outside.
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By kevin KG
Posts:  87
Joined:  Thu Nov 08, 2012 5:35 pm
ok so now the catnip has grown for a long time but here's another problem. after it has set 3 pairs of true leaves it stopped growing like it was "frozen in time". i tried giving it fertilizer but it still like that
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By roarke
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kevin KG wrote:ok so now the catnip has grown for a long time but here's another problem. after it has set 3 pairs of true leaves it stopped growing like it was "frozen in time". i tried giving it fertilizer but it still like that
On artificial light ?
By Cleo_13
Posts:  295
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I tried to grow catnip this year. I've grown it in the past, but this time was lazy and got one of those kits that come with seeds. It claimed to be catnip, but I got basil for some reason!
By mnwatson1
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The catnip will stop growing if it gets root bound. I keep some in a window in a pot for my cats, while my fiance grows it outdoors. His flowers and sets seed, mine never gets big enough because it gets root bound.

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By carniplanter
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Do you have cats? Cats go crazy for it.
By mnwatson1
Posts:  696
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Yes, yes I do. I can't keep the pot in the same room as them, because one will get so "high" on it, she will knock the pot over trying to roll on it.

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