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By Plants Revenge
Posts:  29
Joined:  Thu Jan 24, 2013 6:25 pm
So I have a terrarium with plants in it that probably won't be catching many bugs on their own. I was wondering if mealworms make good food for CPs? I have Neps, D. capensis, D. alicea, H. minor, and Cephalotus in the tank.
By Sander
Posts:  1226
Joined:  Thu Nov 29, 2012 6:29 pm
No, they do not.

I looked it up before, they are high in calcium (best to avoid), and low in nitrogen (which is mainly needed).

Best are predatory insects (spiders etc)
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By Plants Revenge
Posts:  29
Joined:  Thu Jan 24, 2013 6:25 pm
Sander wrote:No, they do not.

I looked it up before, they are high in calcium (best to avoid), and low in nitrogen (which is mainly needed).

Best are predatory insects (spiders etc)
I was looking around for some more info on this to find out what bugs would be good to use as food and found on this website on one of the stickied care guides that mealworms are good due to their high nitrogen content! ... 14580.html
Veronis wrote:IV. Best insects to feed your flytrap due to their higher nitrogen content:
per scientific studies conducted primarily at Arizona State University
Wasps (have been known to occasionally damage traps)
Any other predaceous insect (insects that eat other insects)
You wouldn't happen to know where you read Mealworms are low in nitrogen do you? I'd like to find out one way or the other so I can feed my plants stuff to make them healthy. :)
By Sander
Posts:  1226
Joined:  Thu Nov 29, 2012 6:29 pm
Hmm, i cant find the info, but i checked again, and the protein content is similar to that of dried bloodworms (both hydrated, ~50%).

I am a bit worried about the Calcium that is in the exoskeleton of the mealworms, might worth checking the internet for a bit.

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