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Moderator: Matt

By buakawswagyo
Posts:  60
Joined:  Sat Sep 07, 2013 7:05 pm
Have you ever grown anything in the garden of your mind? All you have to do is think and they'll grow...
Just sit your mind in a water tray and let the ideas grow :)
The most important seed is the one you plant in your mind,
Without it we would never think of our set up ideas. Lets just take
some time to grow some ideas..
By Vern
Posts:  232
Joined:  Mon Mar 26, 2012 10:51 pm
Wow, I remember this. That man next to Bob Ross, Bill Nye and Miss Frizzle made my childhood.

My mind garden always has me growing things from seed or plants from the store and how I would set them out and they would grow beautifully. In never seems to work out very well.
Hello again from Florida


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