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By Ericrud
Posts:  86
Joined:  Mon Mar 18, 2013 1:21 am
So a while back I bought a drosera capensi online. It came in live sphagnum but I disregarded it being a real noobie, And I planted it next to my VFT. bad choice. It's life was declining a lot and lived for a year until I tried replanting it in peat moss.. Long story short I tried to save it but Forgot to water it being the idiot I am.

Basically it died. So I took the peat moss and just dumped it upside down on my deck somewhere and threw away my dead drosera.

Then today (like 2 weeks after that) I find little little babies that were alive in the moist soil of it. I quickly replanted it in 100% peat moss. And now I'm here to make absolutely SURE it will survive.

Can anybody give me any type of tips to make sure this baby drosera SURVIVES.
Right now I have it in a bowl of water in full sun.

By beckhamlim24
Posts:  810
Joined:  Mon Oct 17, 2011 2:49 am
Just give them sunlight. Make sure you slowly introduce them to full sun, eg.1 week in shade, 1 week in half shade, 1 week in bright sun, then to full sun. Make sure that the soil is moist, not wet because it may lead to root rot. Check for pest occasionally.
Read this:

Does anyone have multiple H. sarracenioides clones[…]

Help! My VFT is dying

What about the good Looking ones. Will they go Dor[…]

Water Quality

I used to have a pool/spa at my house in CA. The m[…]

I'd def keep it. Sometimes plants (in general, not[…]

A 15-hour photoperiod is good, yes.

I too am wondering when to start the transition. I[…]

Watering my Venus Flytrap

OP lives in Poland.

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