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By jwbates26
Posts:  1431
Joined:  Fri Sep 30, 2011 5:18 pm
My question is, do these seeds need a cold stratification? According to they do not. But, I planted these seeds last February and nothing grew. The seed tray is in an area where its gone down into the 40s constantly at night all winter and now that its warming up, I have little seedling everywhere in that cell. There isn't and hasn't been any flowering dews close to it and the seedlings are all bunch together like they were poured in.

I guess I'll know for sure in a few months as they grow.
By jwbates26
Posts:  1431
Joined:  Fri Sep 30, 2011 5:18 pm
pretty wrote:a year ago?
Yes I placed these seeds on top of some peat February 2012. I haven't done anything with the starting cells other then just leaving it in a window sill. Now, February 2013, I have sprouts everywhere in the individual cell in a distinct pattern. I just dump the seeds straight from whatever they are in. I try not to touch the seeds to reduce any type of contamination. The seeds are sprouting from corner to opposite corner which is how I usually try to sprinkle them in.

Like I mentioned above, they just got done going through a cold winter and now that its warming up, ignoring this random winter storm, the seeds have sprouted like they needed a cold stratification.

So, I'm still curious if they need a cold stratification or not. Its not a big deal, I was just curious if anyone else has grown D. oblanceolata from seeds and if they stratified them or not, and what germination was like when they did/didn't?

I'm almost 100% positive that nothing else got into the cell but as any CP grower knows seeds from dews find themselves everywhere. Plus with the number of seedlings its kind of unlikely to be any another dew.

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