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By SEWinans
Posts:  772
Joined:  Wed May 25, 2011 12:51 pm
So I got home tonight at 12:30AM as I work second shift, and my drosera spatula (which had been doing AMAZINGLY well this summer so far) was in my sink, sitting in a coffee mug...

My initial reason was "WTH" I hope my boyfriend wasn't watering it for me (with tap water). Regardless, when I picked the Styrofoam cup up that my sundew is planted in I quickly realized that it had been dropped. I went outside with a flashlight to investigate and noticed that the pie dish that I normally set the plant in is in the grass over that railing of our porch. Obviously someone knocked it down! It's a good six foot drop!

What should I do? Peel away the Styrofoam and try to disturb the roots as little as possible and then place the entire dirt ball into another container? ARG!!! I am so angry right now! There wasn't even so much as a note to let me know what had happened! My plant has little tiny babies growing in the (now disturbed) moss that covers the top of the soil... I was so excited.

Thank you.
By Ras
Posts:  805
Joined:  Tue Sep 13, 2011 7:57 am
take the plant out of the cup and remove ALLof the dirt then rinse the entire plant in distilled water
the plant will be fine with root disturbance,

what wont be good for it is coffe or tap water that might of got in the pot
if you rinse or soak the plant in water for a min or two you should be fine
/edit the roots are like long vines rather then small white hairlike roots, those are the roots that really hate to be touched
Last edited by Ras on Wed Jun 27, 2012 5:34 am, edited 1 time in total.
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By SEWinans
Posts:  772
Joined:  Wed May 25, 2011 12:51 pm
Thank you for the fast reply! I should have mentioned that that coffee mug ended up being empty, thankfully!!!!! He just set it in there so that the dirt wouldn't get in the sink. Should I still soak the plant?
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By Ras
Posts:  805
Joined:  Tue Sep 13, 2011 7:57 am
Ah that changes things then
did anything get into the dirt?
is it possible water from the sink could of got in there?
if so your best bet is probably to just go ahead and remove the plant and give it a rinse
if you are just worried about the plant being hurt by the fall or something you should know spatulatas are EXTREMELY resilient and strong, right up there with capensis, it will be ok if it just got dropped
but changing the soil and what not would be your best bet seeing as how you found it in the sink :P you don't wanna go and check it a week from now to see dead leaves
lol I've had it happen and it sux..
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By swat007j
Posts:  478
Joined:  Mon Aug 15, 2011 2:31 am
Dang i feel your pain , my dog today tipped over my pot of buttwort and sundew, When i heard a noise i ran to check it out and there was my pot of sundew flipped upside down there was sent much of a mess since its potted in LFS as for my buttwort it was on its side.
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By SEWinans
Posts:  772
Joined:  Wed May 25, 2011 12:51 pm
Aw man that sucks! I hope they both recover well! I don't know much about butterworts

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