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By Veronis
Posts:  2202
Joined:  Fri May 29, 2009 8:41 pm
Are your sundews temperate or tropical? Do you know the species?

In either case, bring it inside for the night to be safe. That's too cold.

While it won't trigger dormancy (wrong time of year), assuming the plant is even temperate, freezing temperatures can hurt your plants, especially living in pots that can freeze easily.
By fattytuna
Posts:  749
Joined:  Sun Jan 22, 2012 4:00 am
I think Round-leaved sundew = drosera rotundifolia.
(When talking about carnivorous plants, we usually use scientific names to avoid ambiguity)

Considering it is found through Siberia, I doubt that one -1 C night will kill it. Maybe cause it to drop its leaves but not kill it...

Anyway, like veronis said, bring it inside. A few days with no sun won't hurt the plant.
Hello again from Florida


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