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By fishandplants
Posts:  140
Joined:  Thu Jun 02, 2011 1:30 pm
I have some frozen bloodworm cubes I feed to my fish, but there are so many worms in a cube, it's too much for my fish. So. I was wondering if I could feed some of these to my tropical pitcher plants (and maybe my purple pitcher plant and vfts). The indgredients on these cubes say: bloodworms, water, and guar.
I thaw them out and then fish the worms out in a cup. Obviously, dipping the worms in purified water may be in order, but I'm not certain what "guar" is.
By Daniel_G
Posts:  5472
Joined:  Thu Mar 25, 2010 7:27 pm
I've heard of people feeding plants with hydrated bloodworms, but i myself have not tryed it, nor do i know what Guar is...

Are these quite small, or will you cut them up?
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By Jaws
Posts:  1304
Joined:  Sun Apr 18, 2010 11:11 pm
Ive fed the frozen (i let them get room temp first) bloodworms to my pitcher plants and they are good months on :D

I just used a few drops of rain water to make sure they slide down the pitcher.
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Joined:  Mon Aug 22, 2011 9:19 pm
I used to like the FD Bloodworms, but have recently changed my mind. If you have to feed them by hand, live crickets are best. Even better is leaving them outside and let them catch their own flies.

Bacteria is not an issue especially if it is freshly killed or freeze dried.

I do still use them on Drosera and Nepenthes without any problems.
stitz25b wrote:they work perfectly for sundews but im not sure for other genuses
The plural form for genus is genera.
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