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By nep lover
Posts:  216
Joined:  Tue Apr 26, 2011 7:46 pm
Ladies and Gentlemen of the Forum,

Based upon all the advice and comments that have been posted on my on my threads; I have changed up my entire setup! I moved the all the plants (except the tropical pitchers) from the terrarium to outside into a mini-green house (MGH). I found the MGH, at a local chain hardware store for 36.00 dollars. The build time was less than 10 minutes and it went together very easily. Being in NC (one hour north of VFT natural home) I am not worried about the humidity, thus I am currently keeping the "door" open to allow for air flow and due to the current heat wave I don't want to FRY my beautiful pets. The MGH is currently facing east by south east to allow for the "best light."

As for the terrarium, I currently establishing it for lowland Neps that are currently in the mail... Currently I have two 2x bulb hoods (2x 3000K/ 2x 6700K; for full spectrum setup) as previously mentioned in earlier posts; on the floor coconut husks, a new development. I choose to add this in an attempt to reduce glare and absorb "over spray" while watering. As well as keeping the humidity up and preventing a issue that plagued me at an earlier time. I plan on getting a rain water system in order to keep the climate just right, I am aware that with a misting system plus the husks could (more than likely will) create MOLD! So the jury is still out on keeping the husks in with the mister/rain system.

As soon I get the entire terrarium up and running with misters and more advanced lights I will post an update on this thread.

Thank you for your assistance and I look forward to many more learning experiences.

I have cut my losses and i have new growth as well as some addidtions. I would like to thank everyone for the help.
The Mini Green house.
The Mini Green house.
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The new terrarium setup
The new terrarium setup
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Last edited by nep lover on Mon Aug 08, 2011 12:53 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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By Ae9803
Posts:  532
Joined:  Mon Mar 08, 2010 2:55 am
Just keep them watered and watch them, they can definitely rebound. The leafs that are burned/wilted you will more than likely lose.
By nep lover
Posts:  216
Joined:  Tue Apr 26, 2011 7:46 pm
I was able to get home and perform surgery, I removed the majority of brown/black leafs. Fortunately the most of damage was isolated on my "Lowe's" VFT to the OLD/Senior fly traps; the new growth is still kickin! The only completely wilted plant is my Ping; Sad, but I have always had issues with that plant.

I gave them a nice misting and I am hoping that everything works out.
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