FlytrapCare Carnivorous Plant Forums

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Post here to sell, trade or list your wants if you live in the US

Moderator: Matt

By nicolasanissimov
Posts:  57
Joined:  Wed May 25, 2011 8:51 pm
I have quite a few leaf pullings from fully grown healthy adult plants; The plants i have to trade are;

Pinguicula Moctezumae; I have two types of leaf pullings i can give you, i have leaf pullings that i pulled last month and put in a pot that have already started make a root structure, or i can give you freshly picked ones!

Dionaea Muscipula "Red Dragon" aka "Akia Ryu", I have two types of leaf pullings i can give you, i have leaf pullings that i pulled last month and put in a pot that have already started make a root structure, or i can give you freshly picked ones!

Sarracenia "Cobra's Nest" I do not have any non established leaf pullings like with the Akia Ryu and Moctezzumae, but i can give you freshely picked ones!

All of the plants above are all adult plants, that have been grown in direct sunlight! Each purchase shall have 3 of the chosen plant for 2.99 + 2.99 Shipping or 3.99 + 2.99 shipping for the plants with pre-established roots!. Shipping is a one time Fee, meaning that you can make 10 purchases' and still only pay 2.99, its 2.99 because i shall be shipping it in a box to keep the plant safe! The payment must be sent to my paypal! If you wish to purchase leaf pullings, please write it below or Private message me and i shall send you my Paypal!

If you wish to Swap leaf pullings/Plants i am in want for:

Nephentis: Any breed
Sarracenia: Any Breed
Heliamphora: Any Breed
Sundew: Any Breed
Venus Fly Trap: Cup Traps, Vigorous, Low Giant, B52
Butterwort: Any Breed

Please write which breed you have below to trade (Since i already have certain breeds, and i don't want more of what i already have) if you want a picture of the mother plant (Since leaf pullings are direct clones) Just comment below.

I mostly grow Sarracenia and VFTs and recently had[…]

Requesting FTS Maroon Monster OP

FTS Maroon Monster OP, S. leuco hybrids OP (bonus)[…]

Order received, thank you

Order received, thank you

Always better to be safe than sorry! Words of w[…]

Got it! Thank you! :D

Ugg…Watering Droso

Yeah. I found the bottom leaves drooping the other[…]

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