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Ask questions about how to grow and care for Venus Flytraps

Moderator: Matt

By nicolasanissimov
Posts:  57
Joined:  Wed May 25, 2011 8:51 pm
I got some lake water from my local lake, can i use it for my VFT? Is it good? I took a bit of water because it hasn't rained in a while.

If the water is polluted (it shouldn't be but would it make a big deal? Its a small town lake but it shouldn't be seriously polluted)
Is it healthy for the plant?
By Venusflytrap7
Posts:  70
Joined:  Sun Mar 04, 2012 4:13 am
I wouldn't use any water except distilled, because vfts and most other cps are VERY sensetive to minerals in the water, even tiny amounts of minerals can kill them. I have to walk out every night to bring my cps in so the sprinklers don't get them, if the sprinklers get them, they will die because the sprinkler water isn't 'pure' enough for them. But if your lakewater has very (less than 45) low TDS, (which I doubt) than yes, you can use it.
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